- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on therapeutics, and pharmacology or materia medica (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1856... tate the abdominal viscera, to produce great muscular relaxation and circulatory depression, to supersede any particular morbid state by a shock upon the system, or to act energetically by revulsion. Therapeutic Application. In reference to the abdominal viscera, this is the most ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Planning guides, memoranda, pamphlets, training guidesPublication: Washington, D.C. : Office of Civilian Defense, 1941-1942... matter to patients, the assistant provides diversion and relaxation of real ... up references in the scien- tific literature. Eligibility: Age over ...
- NLM Digital Collections - British guideline on the management of asthma : a national clinical guidelinePublication: Edinburgh, Scotland : Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), July 2019... Med 412. Huntley A, ... References 413. Hondras MA, Linde K, Jones AP. Manual ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Contributions to the study of the heart and lungsPublication: New York : E.B. Treat, 1890... known as sal armoniacum, or Armenian Salts, in reference to one of its ... power THERAPEUTICS OF CHLORIDE OF AMMONIUM. 267 of determining the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Warner's therapeutic reference bookPublication: Philadelphia, Pa. : William R. Warner & Co., 1889Warner's therapeutic reference book ... Therapeutic reference book ... Warner's therapeutic reference book Therapeutic reference book William R. Warner & Co., author. Pharmaceutical Preparations Philadelphia, Pa. : William R. Warner & Co., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1880... is greatly inferior to many other antiperiodics without reference to quinia. The ... and Materia Medica, fourth edition. United States Dispensatory, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical treatise on materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1882... is greatl}' inferior to many other antiperiodics without reference to quinia. The ... and Materia Medica, fourth edition. United States Dispensatory, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The cyclopaedia of practical medicine: comprising treatises on the nature and treatment of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1849-59... particular attention, as it affords a hope with reference to the employment of ... giving rise to a relaxation of the viscus, which may occur when they ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The cyclopaedia of practical medicine: comprising treatises on the nature and treatment of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1845... particular attention, as it affords a hope with reference to the employment of ... giving rise to a relaxation of the viscus, which may occur when they ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Forward surgery of the severely wounded : a history of the activities of the 2nd Auxillary ...Publication: [Washington D.C., The Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1945?]... are included, 5. Preoperative management is considered with reference to ... additional relaxation with good results. Shock treat- ment was continued ...
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