- NLM Digital Collections - Reference dataPublication: Washington : United States Government Printing Office : For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, 1941... and seasonal distribution of disease. (4) Noxious vegetation—poisonous and irritant plants, their distribution and means of prevention of disabling effects. (5) Venomous reptiles and insects, ...
- ... Building Oper Manage 23: 26+ N 76 FLOWERS Poisonous plants where you least expect them. R.B. Baker. Nursing Care 8: 22-5 J1 75 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (See also: Disaster service—Experiences—Fire ...
- NLM Digital Collections - American Red Cross text-book on first aid : a manual of instructionPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son & Co., [1918]... how would you prevent and treat them? 21. Prevention and treatment of corns? 22. What are the common poisonous plants? 23. Treatment of mushroom poisoning? PRACTICAL EXERCISES General ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The international encyclopaedia of surgery: a systematic treatise on the theory and practice ....Publication: New York : Wood, 1888-95... i. 72 from poison in blood, i. 71 poisonous action of min- erals causing, i. 81 of plants causing, i. 82 secretion of animals causing, i. 82 position in, i. 144 prevention of, i. 138, 140 putrid substances causing, i. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Collection development manual of the National Library of Medicine, 1985Publication: Bethesda, Md. : National Institutes of Health, 1985... g., radiation) or poisons and the treatment and prevention of toxic manifestations. Includes: Comprehensive Absorption, distribution, and excretion studies of toxic substances Effects of medicinal and poisonous plants on humans . Estimation of toxicity from chemical structure ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The prevention of disease in the individualPublication: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders Company, 1923... seem. Potatoes belong to the family (Solanacese) of poisonous plants containing ... by 358 THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE a variety of bacteria conveyed to ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Legal medicine and toxicology by many specialists (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia ; London : W.B. Saunders Company, 1923... pathogenic bacteria in food, 805 Food poisoning from poisonous metals in ... prevention, 814 treatment, 814 sensitization, 802 separation of brucin ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... tio. GUA'CO, Hudco. The name of a plant, Eupato'rium Guaco, described by Humboldt ... in the way of prevention and cure. It has been, of late, brought ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Practical treatise on poisons and asphyxies : adapted to general use, followed by directions ....Publication: Boston : Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1826... also contains, Treatment of the Effects of Lightning, Prevention and Treatment of the Effects of drinking cold Water, and Means of rendering Assistance to Persons drowning. The characters and effects of some poisonous plants, native in this country and not noticed by ...
- ... nd other drugs; 4. Affairs concerning control on poisonous and powerful drugs; 5. ... Prevention Section 1. Affairs concerning health centers; 2. Affairs ...
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