- NLM Digital Collections - Risk estimation and the prevention of cardiovascular disease : a national clinical guidelinePublication: Edinburgh, Scotland : Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), June 2017... Miettinen T, Paoletti R, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Plant Stanols and Sterols in the Management 90 Dalgard C, Thuroe A, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Treatment options for hypercholesterolemia : scientific reviewPublication: [Oakland, Calif.] : California HealthCare Foundation, c2004... L., Garrison R.J., et Participants. Efficacy and safety of plant stanols al. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and car- and sterols in the management of blood choles- diovascular disease: ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Well-controlled diet studies in humans : a practical guide to design and managementPublication: Chicago : American Dietetic Association, c1999... colorimetrically. Presumably these differences resulted from inclusion of plant sterols in the (now outdated) colorimetric assay results. Until ... foods, the values obtained are falsely elevated because plant sterols are quantified in addition to cholesterol. These sterols ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text book of general physiology for collegesPublication: New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1923... phytosterols (solid alcohols of plants). A number of plant sterols have been described, some isomeric with choles- terol, ... at least, it must be either from the plant sterols (p. 72) or from other unknown sources. It ...
- ... Engl | Med 1995;333:1308—12. Background: Dietary plant sterols, especially sitostanol, re- duce serum cholesterol by inhibiting ... were affected by sitostanol. Serum campesterol, a dietary plant sterol whose levels reflect cholesterol absorption, was decreased by ...
- ... may be more favorable than sugars; and that plant sterols in the diet may be favorable, but these ... may be more favorable than sugars; and that plant sterols in the diet may be favorable, but these ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Fat Transport in Lipoproteins--An Integrated Approach to Mechanisms and DisordersPublication: Massachusetts Medical Society, 1967... sources of most polyunsat- urated fats also contain plant sterols, which have an independent cholesterol-lowering action. !??2! ... G. A., Haust, H. L., and White, M. Plant sterols, degree of unsaturation, and hypo- cholesterolemic action of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The principles of organic chemistryPublication: New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1922... 498 anhydride, 499 Phthalimide, 499 Phthalyl chloride, 498 Phytosterol, 181 Picolines, 580 Picric acid, 520 Pimelic acid, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... xi, 85-122.—KlobbfT.) & Bloch (A.) Sur le phytosterol du soja. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. ... 465.—Gray (W. O.) Somnoform; its efficacy and safety. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne, 1906, x, 38-42.— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Smoking and Health: A Report of the Surgeon GeneralPublication: United States. Office on Smoking and Health, 1979... 53 ue 08 2-Naphthylamine 2ng 39 Total Phytosterols 130 ng «= «08 4-Aminobiphenyl 5 ng 31 ... amino nitrogen + starch + polyphenols + PEE + lipid residues + waxes + phytosterols + fatty acids, c filling value + combustibility, D = stem/ ...
119 results