- NLM Digital Collections - History of osteopathy, and twentieth-century medical practicePublication: Cincinnati, Ohio : The Caxton Press, [1924]... to see anything out- side of their own pet hobbies that is worthy of commendation. The following quotations give the gist of Dr. Brice's article on "Mechano-Therapy in Disease: With Specail Reference to Oste- opathy," without going into detail: THE ...
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- NLM Digital Collections - Management of adult testicular germ cell tumours : a national clinical guidelinePublication: Edinburgh, Scotland : Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), March 2011... 936-40. 1856;6(12):1856-62. 60 REFERENCES 91. Cremerius U, Effert PJ, Adam G, Sabri O, Zimny M, Wagenknecht 112. Beyer J, Stenning S, Gerl A, Fossa S, Siegert W. High-dose versus G, et al. FDG PET for detection and therapy control of metastatic conventional-dose chemotherapy as first- ...
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- NLM Digital Collections - The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Reference EditionPublication: National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health, 1976... year, Number and country, type of Results Comments reference population Higgins 5,030 male und Males Females ... Author, year, countty, Number and type Results Commenta reference of population Dawber etal., 1,253 male Systolic ...
- ... Care Adm 1991 Spring; 19(1): 10-3. Pet therapy for Alzheimer's patients: a survey. Kongable LG, et ... ISSUES, CONSTRUCTION see FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION BONDING, HUMAN-PET Pet therapy for the homebound elderly. Harris M, et al. ...
- ... Nov;32(l l):862-5 ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION Pet therapy: initiating a program. McQuillen D. Can J Occup ... Med J 1984 Aug;25(4):208-9 Pet therapy with terminal cancer patients. Muschel IJ. Soc Casework ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical text-book of infection, immunity, and biologic therapy : with special reference ...Publication: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1923... the reactions is very great and especially in reference to the kind and amount of antigen employed, ... nation and precipitation in other diseases as well. Reference has already been made to the increase of ...
- ... ISSUES, CONSTRUCTION see FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION BONDING, HUMAN-PET Pet therapy for the elderly. Jessee EM. Aging 1982 Sep- ... Adv Data 1983 Aug 11; (91): 1—5 Pet therapy for the elderly. Jessee EM. Aging 1982 Sep- ...
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