- NLM Digital Collections - The principles and practice of medicinePublication: Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1844... marked cicatrices; but is not attended by much pain. Diagnosis.—The only disease for which framboesia may be ... are those of inflammation;—redness, swelling, heat, and pain. General Symptoms.—From the disturbed function, there are also general ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practitioner's manual : a condensed system of medical diagnosis and treatmentPublication: New York : Wood, 1899... are that it acts more rapidly in controlling pain, symptoms of intolerance are exceptional, 684 THE PRACTITIONER'S MANUAL. ... this position at frequent intervals with accompany- ing pain. Diagnosis is from traumatic torticollis, which shows contrac- 782 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The heart : its physiology, pathology and clinical aspectsPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son & Co., [1923]... patients of different types give varying heed to pains and symptoms, and what one may regard as a serious ... skin respectively, and of hemi- crania with precordial pains. Such symptoms have been grouped by Osier under the term “ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The science and art of surgery: being a treatise on surgical injuries, diseases, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : H.C. Lea, 1881... aneurism, 89 Neuralgia (vdpov, a nerve; a\yoc, pain), diagnosis of, from aneurism, 41 from spinal caries, 294 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An American text-book of surgery : for practitioners and studentsPublication: Philadelphia : Saunders, 1892... of food into the peritoneal cavity causes severe pain and symptoms of shock, Avhich, if the patient rallies, is ... of discharge and the development of any extremely pain- ful symptoms. Ardor urinae does exist in nearly all cases, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicinePublication: New York : Wood, 1863... chest to-day, before admission, has mitigated the pain there. Symptoms on Admi>.->ion.—Percussion over left front of ... considerably in .quantity, with frequent micturition, accompanied by pain. These symptoms lasted for about a month, after wbich the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicinePublication: New York : Wood, 1867... chest to-day, before admission, has mitigated the pain there. Symptoms on Admission.—Percussion over left front of chest ... considerably in quantity, with frequent micturition, accompanied by pain. These symptoms lasted for about a month, after which the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A conspectus of the medical sciences : comprising manuals of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea, 1874... sivelling over a bone, not distinctly circumscribed, with pain. Osteitis. Symptoms.—Constant, deep-seated pain in the part, with ... the Aoav. It is generally attended by severe pain and other dysmenorrhceic symptoms, or by various hysterical manifestations—even convulsions. The ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The homoeopathic domestic medicinePublication: Philadelphia : F.E. Boericke, [1887]... the vessels of the head — of any aching pains or symptoms of a catarrhal description — and of any an- ... of the bruise, swelling, &c. Should the swelling, pains, and other symptoms increase, after one or two applications, the Lotion ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 1920, xlviii, 389-392.—Hamburger (W. W.). Abdominal pain; differential diagnosis; the causation of the hunger-pain; the pyloric ... Vt., 1921, xxvii, 179-184.—Cumston (C. G). Pain as symptom of chronic ulcer of the body of the ...
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