- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... commun, Codex Med.). Origanum Majorana Linn. Sweet Marjoram. Origanum vulgaris Linn. Wild Marjoram. Thymus vulgaris Linn. Thyme, yields ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American eclectic dispensatoryPublication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, & Keys, 1854... Lavandula Vera, Lavandula, Spica,, Mentha Piperita, Myr- tus Vulgaris, Origanum Majorana,, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Thymus Serpyllum, Thymus Vulgaris, Tanacetum ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dispensatory, or commentary on the pharmacopoeias of Great Britain and the United States : ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1848... of Lavandula vera, Lavandula Spica, Mentha piperita, Myrtus vulgaris, Origanum Majorana, Rosmarinus officinalis, Thymus Serpyl- lum, Thymus vulgaris, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1852-1854... imported from the south of Fiance (see Thymus vulgaris). 162. ORIGANUM MAJORANA, Linn.-SWEET OR KNOTTED MARJORAM. Majorana hortensis, ... cultivated for culinary purposes, is T. Serpyllum, var. vulgaris, Bentham. ... that of Origanum vulgare. The odour and condi- mentary properties depend ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Merck's 1896 index : an encyclopedia for the physician and the pharmacist : stating the names ...Publication: New York : Merck & Co., c1895... c. b.—lb. .39 (Often misnamed “ Oil of Origanum”).—Yolat. oil fr. fl. tops Thymus vulgaris, L.—Chief constit., thymol, Ch,H,40 ; also ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1880... in commerce by the name of oil of origanum is really obtained from Thymus vulgaris growing in the south of France, and on this account the proper oil of marjoram has been expunged from our ... in Part I.), yet, as Origanum vul- gare is a common plant, possessed of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An index of comparative therapeutics : with tables of differential diagnosis, a pronouncing ...Publication: Chicago : Duncan Bros., 1880... 30, 10-30 88 HOMCEOPATHIC DOSE-LIST. Opuntia vulgaris, Prickly-pear.............. Origanum vulgare, Wild marjoram....... Osmium, Osmicacid............................ Paeonia, Peony..................................... Paris ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text book of materia medica, pharmacology, and special therapeutics : with many new ...Publication: Chicago : W.T. Keener, 1889... Piperita 471 Rosmarinus Officinalis 471 Hedeoma Pulegioides 471 Origanum Vulgare 472 Salvia Officinalis 472 Thymus Vulgaris 472 Fceniculum Vulgare 472 Carum Carui 472 Anisum ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of pharmacy : a treatise on the modes of making and dispensing officinal, ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1886... Rosma- rini .... Oleum Thymi . Rosmarinus offi- cinalis. Thymus vulgaris. Volatile oil. Volatile oil. Origanum . . 0. vulgare. Wild Mar- joram. Herh. Europe and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1845... SAMPSUCHUS, Thymus inastichina. SANICLE, Sanicula—s. American, Heuche- SAMPSUCUS. Origanum majorana*. ra Cortusa—s. Yorkshire, Pimruicola vulgaris. SAMPSYCH'INON, Sampsdchinum. An SANIC'ULA, S. Europx'a, ...
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