- NLM Digital Collections - Lectures on the diseases of infancy and childhoodPublication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea, 1866... ways. The one of them is strychnine, or nux vomica, the latter of which I generally prefer on account of the greater safety of its administration in children; the other is ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Functional and sympathetic affections of the heart : a paper read before the Society of ...Publication: New-York : Holman, Gray & Co., 1854... debility of the heart," they are invaluable. For safety and convenience, we prefer either the strong tincture of the vomica nut or an equal quantity of the more uniform ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The new cyclopaedia of family medicine : our home physician, a popular guide to the art of ...Publication: New York : Treat, 1881... Another exceUent formula is the piU salutis, or safety pill: Extract of aloes, | drachm (2 grams), Extract of nux vomica, 6 grains (.36 gram), Extract of hyosciamus, 20 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Observations on the chlorides and chlorine : as 'disinfecting agents,' and as preventives of ....Publication: Boston : Clapp & Hull, 1832... the virulent poisons, such as arsenic, pnissic acid, nux-vomica, bohon upas, opium, &c. may be used in small quantities with safety ; yet who would think of employing them except ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Materia medica of American provingsPublication: Philadelphia : Rademacher & Sheek, 1853... is applicable, and can employ it both with safety and certainty. It appears to have analogous action to nux vomica and veratrum, especially the latter. Always regarding the ...
- ... more than one milligram (1.0 mg.) total nux vomica alkaloids; (h) Zinc phosphide and preparations; (i) Sodium fluoroacetate and preparations. Definitions “Board” “Dentist,” etc. “Physician” “Poison” Schedule "A” 544 HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE Schedule “B” Schedule “B”: (a) Antimony, barium, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American cyclopaedia of domestic medicine and household surgery: a reliable guide for ...Publication: Chicago : Kingsley, 1880... chloric ether may be tried. The tincture of nux vomica, in 20 drop doses, will very likely prove serviceable, but can only be given with safety by a medical man. The oxalate of cerium ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American cyclopaedia of domestic medicine and household surgery : a reliable guide for ...Publication: Chicago : Kingsley, 1879... chloric ether may be tried. The tincture of nux vomica, in 20 drop doses, will very likely prove serviceable, but can only be given with safety by a medical man. The oxalate of cerium ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of domestic medicine and household surgery : containing information anatomical ...Publication: Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1877... see Creasote) may be tried. The tincture of nux vomica, in twenty-drop doses, will very likely prove serviceable, but can only be given with safety by a medical man. The costiveness of pregnancy ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Materia medica, or, Pharmacology and therapeutics (Volume 1, Part 1)Publication: Springfield [Mass.] : J. Church, 1857-58... M it is in the bark of Strychnos Nux-vomica) in any plant, whose New and Previously Unknown Articles. 243 powers were previously unknown, no doubts could possibly be entertained as to its operation and effects, its safety as a medicine, and its therapeutic application. Aconitina ...
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