- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medical science : containing a full explanation of the various subjects and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Bros. & Co., 1893... the Southern States. The bark of Melia azadirachta, Azadirachta Indica, Neem tree, Margosa tree, is bitter and astringent, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Vegetaes anthelminticos ou enumeração dos vegetaes empregados na medicina popular como ...Publication: S. Paulo ; Rio : Weiszflog Irmãos, 1920... índia; Soymida febrifuga, Juss., do Ceylão e índia; Azadirachta indica, Juss., da índia e alli conhe- cida como um febrífugo esplendido, fornecendo a «Cór- tex Margosae», «Margosa bark» ou «Nim bark» e cujas sementes produzem o «Nim-Oil», «Neem-Oil» ou «Margosa- Oil». Não menos importante para ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chronological history of plants : man's record of his own existence illustrated through their ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1879... manuscripts of which are said to be extant. Azadirachta Indica of Tropical Hindustan. A large tree called in Tamil “vaypum,” in Telinga “ vepa,” in Malabar “ aria-bepou,” in Bengalee and Hindustanee “ nim ” (Drur.), in the environs of Bombay “neem” (Graham) ; and the “nimba” fruit of a Hindu ...
- NLM Digital Collections - C.E. Hobb's botanical hand-book of common local, English, botanical and pharmacopoeial names ....Publication: Boston : Printed by C.C. Roberts, 1876... of Amygdalus Persica (glabra.) Neembark, Nim bark, Melia Azadirachta.(lndica.) Negro corn, W. I. name for Guinea ... Guinensis. Aydendron laurel,* Pichurim beans, see Nectandra puchury. Azadirachta Indica, Mm bark, see Melia Indica. Azalea Indica, ...
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