- NLM Digital Collections - The Enzymic Synthesis of Amino Acyl Derivatives of Ribonucleic Acid: III. Isolation of Amino ....Publication: American Society of Biological Chemists, June 1961... acceptor ribonucleic acid chains specific for isoleucine or methionine. REFERENCES 1. Hoaaranp, M. B., Stepnenson, M. L., Scorr, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Enzymic Synthesis of Amino Acyl Derivatives of Ribonucleic Acid: I. The Mechanism of ...Publication: American Society of Biological Chemists, June 1961... that the polynucleotide chains specific for accepting L-methionine are heterogeneous. REFERENCES 1. Hoacuanp, M. B., Kevier, E. B., ano ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... P. Amino acids in nitrogen metabolism with particular reference to the role of methionine. J. Nutrit., 1947, 33: 389-410.—Cahill, W. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Pathology and physiology of burns : 1942-1951 : an annotated bibliographyPublication: Washington, D.C. : Armed Forces Medical Library, [1952]... excretion (particularly of non-uric nitrogen) Is Increased. Methionine and cystine do not reduce this nitrogen deficit. 15 references. 594. Radlgan, L. R., and Robinson, S. Effects of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Handbook of radioactivity and tracer methodologyPublication: Dayton, Ohio : United States Air Force, Air Material Command, 13 February 1948... Tarver, H. Studies on sulphur metabolism with special reference to the conversion of methionine to cystine. Thesis, Univ. of Calif, Graduate Div, ...
- ... A velue of 0,97 per cent of methionine was given by Dr, W. Morse. . e s - 3 P‘?J#fi\ REFERENCES TO TABLE I 1) Dakin, H. D., J. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical warfare agents and related chemical problems (Parts 3-6)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of Scientific Research and Development, National Defense Research Committe, Division 9, 1946... of Q with the sul- fide group of methionine.12 By the use of a competition method, employing glycine as a reference compound (see page 403), it was noted that ...
- ... 1, except substituting the 35¢_ cysteine with 355.methionine, were first reacted with 10 yl of the following sera preabsorbed to Protein-A beads: (b) reference human serum negative for antibodies to HTLV-MA ( ...
- ... cys- teine from external methionine. GSH = glutathione, Met = methionine, CySH = cysteine, (CyS), = cys- tine, Glu = glutamic acid. (Adapted with permis- sion from Bannai, references 3,7,9). NUTRITION REVIEWS/VOL 47, NO ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Letter from Francis Crick to Marshall W. NirenbergPublication: Produced: 27 July 1972... fluorescence in the livers of pellagrins, with special reference to the effects of a high carbohydrate diet and methionine. s. Afr. J. Med. Sci., 10, 67 (1945). Gillman, ...
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