- ... J 1986 Sep l;135(5):449-53 Marital distress among resident physicians [editorial] Myers MF. Can Med ... 1985 Sep;143(3):397-8 Myers MF: Marital distress among resident physicians [editorial] Can Med Assoc J ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A history of the family as a social and educational institutionPublication: New York : The Macmillan Company, 1915... extinct. AFFECTION AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE IN PRIMITIVE MARRIAGE Reference has been made to wife capture and wife ... these col- lections of customary law abound in references to family re- lations and marriage forms. Thus they constitute a valuable source of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The origin of life and process of reproduction in plants and animals : with the anatomy and ...Publication: New York : The American News Company, [1878]... together from inflammation, and if not separated before marriage, great distress and injury may ensue. The removal of this ... the vagina is closed, are not discovered till marriage, and then great distress and suffering result. Many such instances are given ...
- ... other people at this table, for couples experiencing marital distress who five years ago might have separated and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Presidential Commission on the HIV Epidemic, Final Hearings, part 3, transcriptPublication: Produced: 18 May 1988... other people at this table, for couples experiencing marital distress who five years ago might have separated and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The marriage guide, or, Physiological and hygienic instructor : for the married, or those ...Publication: New York : Excelsior, c1883... he had consulted me immedi- ately after their marriage, in reference to his sexual pow- ers, which were rapidly ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The marriage guide, or, Natural history of generation : a private instructor for married ...Publication: New York : T.W. Strong, [1860]... that he had consulted me immediately after their marriage, in reference to his Sexual powers, which were rapidly failing, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 54. Marriage (Consanguineous). See, also, Deaf-mutes. Affinity marriages, in reference to the Bible, and the Westminster confession of ... tions of the brain, viewed more particularly in reference to marriages of consanguinity as a great social evil. Asy- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A familiar treatise on medicinePublication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach & Moore, printers, 1869... their dynamic influence over the constitution; but with reference to marriage, it is the duty of every individual, without ... the combinations of those constituents are. equivalent with reference to marriage. Note.—AYith reference to the science of marriage, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The marriage guide, or, Natural history of generation : a private instructor for married ...Publication: New York : T.W. Strong, [1850]... constant and necessary prelude to womanly development. In reference to marriage, Menstruation ought always to precede that event, and ... therefrom, to say nothing of the annoyance and distress. This was, of ... irrita- ble. Marriage just before Menstruation has 'been known to arrest ...
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