- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical Warfare Service field materiel dataPublication: [Edgewood, Md.] : Chemical Warfare Service, July 1, 1943... 100-LB., M47A2 NOSE SAFETY PLUNGER BODY TAIL MAGNESIUM BODY SAFETY PIN BRASS CROSS FIRST FIRE CHARGE FIRING PIN ... SMOKE MIXTURE -SLOW-BURNING SMOKE MIXTURE FUZE LEVER -SAFETY RING -FUZE ADAPTER WELL ... Ml Cylindrical Magnesium Alloy Body with Ther- mate Charge 0.38 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - TextbooksPublication: Washington, D.C. : Medical Division, Office of Civilian Defense, 1941-1942... PINS /—BODY ALLOY —PRIMING COMPOSITION ALUMINIUM IRON OXIDE SAFETY PIN FUZE MAGNESIUM ALLOY TYPICAL KILO MAGNESIUM (ELECTRON) INCENDIARY BOMB O. S. ... control. Safety of Personnel. Another question. What about safety to ... 1 out of 50 of the magnesium bombs may be loaded with explosives. That is ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry, general, medical, and pharmaceutical : including the chemistry of the U.S. ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1883... In delicate and important applications of Marsh’s test, magnesium may be substituted for zinc with safety, as arsenicum has not yet been, and is not likely to be, found in magnesium. Magnesium in rods is convenient for this purpose, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry, general, medical, and pharmaceutical : including the chemistry of the U.S. ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1899... In delicate and important applications of Marsh’s test magnesium may be substituted for zinc with safety, as arsenum has not yet been, and is not likely to be, found in magnesium. Magne- sium in rods is convenient for this ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... M.C.) & Shillenger (J. E.) The effect of magnesium sulphate, simultaneously administered, on the efficacy and safety of carbon tetrachlorid for the removal of hookworms. ...
- ... were added to complete the analgesia or anesthesia. Magnesium sulphate used in two to four dram doses by rectum leaves a margin of safety amply sufficient to satisfy the most critical and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - British guideline on the management of asthma : a national clinical guidelinePublication: Edinburgh, Scotland : Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), July 2019... severity of the asthma attack or when intravenous magnesium was given in relation to standard treatment limit the conclusions that can be drawn.613 The safety and efficacy of repeated intravenous (IV) doses of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - British guideline on the management of asthma : a national clinical guidelinePublication: Edinburgh, Scotland : Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), September 2016... British guideline on the management of asthma The safety and efficacy of repeated IV doses of magnesium sulphate have not been assessed. Repeated doses could ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Adverse Effects of DiureticsPublication: Adis International Limited, 1992... Also, thiazides should not have much influence on magnesium excretion because these diuretics act in the early distal tubules while mag- 368 Drug Safety 7 (5) 1992 nesium is absorbed predominantly in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A textbook of chemistry for nursesPublication: St. Louis : C.V. Mosby Company, 1923... Lime, 221 uses, 222 Lunar caustic, 252 M Magnesium, 231 oxide, 232 Marsh gas, 158 Marsh’s test for arsenic, 200 Matches, 196 safety, 197 Matter, Geber’s theory, 18 modern idea of, ...
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