- NLM Digital Collections - Neurosurgery (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. Office of the Surgeon General, Dept. of the Army ; For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1958-1959... had been immediate and complete. 22 NEUROSURGERY DECUBITUS ULCERS The prevention and treatment of decubitus ulcers in patients with ... had other desirable effects in addition to the prevention of decubitus ulcers. One of them w’as the elimination of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 1923, xlix, 1204-1209.—Long (LeR.). Ex- tensive ulcer of leg; skin grafts. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Muskogee, 1922, xv, 121— Madier (J.). Le traitement chirurgical des ulceres de jambe. Paris mfed., ... of some leg ulcers. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1915, \ i. i20-322.— Morehead ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Contributions to operative surgery and surgical pathologyPublication: New York : Harper & Brothers, 1877-[1887]... Zeitschrift himself up on leg. Thickening of and ulcers, General health fur Chirurg., the right leg. skin and epidermis. with pen'tra- good. Tibia Bd. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American eclectic materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: Cincinnati : J.M. Scudder, 1891... will lessen the inflammation and swelling, cleanse the ulcers, remove the viscid secretions, establish a new action ... by cutaneous eruptions, and foul and ill-conditioned ulcers. The influence of alteratives and cor- roborants seems ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medicine : including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and ...Publication: New York : D. Appleton and Company ..., 1888... Epithelioma of lip ... „ 204 119. Edge of rodent ulcer . . . „ 204 120. Simple polypus of rectum . . „ 204 121. ... is towards the surface, and it is by ulcer- ation of the skin that the opening for ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remediesPublication: New York : Boericke and Tafel, 1877... is recom- mended as a lotion to gangrenous ulcers. It has attracted much attention in Europe as ... are inflamed with spots of incipient ulceration. Shedding ulcers, feeling as after the application of Nitrate of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remediesPublication: Philadelphia : F. E. Boericke, 1886... is recom- mended as a lotion to gangrenous ulcers. It has attracted much attention in Europe as ... are inflamed with spots of incipient ulceration. Shedding ulcers, feeling as after the application of Nitrate of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medicine: including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and the ...Publication: New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1895... severe symptoms may be attracting most at'.ention. Ulcers in the mouth or else- where may have ... ligature of the umbilical cord. Sometimes clean- punched ulcers have been found in the stomach or duodenum ...
- ... mucous mem- branes, and from scars, wounds, and ulcers. Acute edema is sometimes seen associated with menstruation ... may be severe cardialgia and symptoms simulating gastric ulcer, the differential diagnosis being very difficult. In a ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The student's medical dictionary : including all the words and phrases generally used in ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, 1896... li-me-tan'-jer-e) [L.]. See Rodent ulcer. Noma (no'-mah) [vo/ir,), a feeding, from ... by the formation of a rapidly spread- ing ulcer involving the cheek and soon be- coming gangrenous. ...
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