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389 results
  1. ... 43* 510 ELEMENTS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Order LVI.—CUCURBITACEAE, Jussieu.—THE GOURD TRIBE. Essential Character.—Flowers usually ... ii. 522 ovifera, ii. 522 pepo, ii. 552 Cucurbitaceae, i. 100, ii. 510 Cudbear, ii. 50 Culilawan, ...
  2. NLM Digital Collections - The London medical dictionary: including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, viz.... 
    Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Mitchell, Ames, and White ; William Brown, printer, 1819
    ... separated from the pistil; viz. the tithymalae, the cucurbitaceae, urticeae, amenta- ceae, and coniferae. In these fifteen ... See Cistus. CISSI'NUM, (from xto-o-os, ivy). The name of a plaster mentioned by ... Sp. PI. 1134. It is a gourd, called by the Creeks xyyevpiov. CL X 416 ...
  3. NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 2) 
    Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816
    ... the natural method ranking under the 34th order, cucurbitaceae. The calyx is quinquefid; the corolla campanulated and ...
  4. ... has mentioned two plants of the Natural Order Cucurbitaceae, it may be proper to inquire in this ... Griffith sayrs—"the general" (medicinal) "character"(of the Cucurbitaceae)" is acridity" (acrimony is English)" and a drastic- ...
  5. ... Monimieae Thymeleae Coniferae Menispermeas Umbelliferae Cruciferae Nelumboneae Urticeae Cucurbitaceae Oleaceae Ulmaceae Cinchonaceae Oxalideas Valerianeae Cupuliferas Podophylleae Vaccineae ...
  6. ... ca, Me- lo'thrum, Ophrostapllylon, Psilo'thrum. Ord. Cucurbitaceae. Sex. Syst. Monocia Monadelphia. (F.) Couleuvrie, Vigne vierge, ... Papa'ya, Papaw tree, Pawpaw, (F.) Papayer. Orel. Cucurbitaceae, A native of America, India, and Africa. The ...
  7. ... of the cornus sericea Bryonia Disease? Nat. ord. cucurbitaceae root fusiform intensely acrid & bitter Formerly the root ... of the cornus sericea Bryonia Disease? Nat. ord. cucurbitaceae root fusiform intensely acrid & bitter Formerly the root ...
  8. ... alba. 3. Citrullus (Water-melon). The seeds are Cucurbitaceae. ^ diuretic. 4. Cucnrbita (Squash). 5. Momordica balsamum.—Flatulency. ... To-day we begin our study of the Cucurbitaceae. This order gives us some six or eight ...
  9. ... See under Citrus. CITRULLUS [and derivatives] See also Cucurbitaceae. Ackermann, D. Ueber die Frage nach der Entstehung ... 92p. 8? Par., 1934. CUCUMIS [cucumber] See also Cucurbitaceae. Chopra, R. N., & Roy, A. C. A proteolytic ...
  10. ... thrum, Ophrostaph'ylon, Psildthrum, Bryonia Dioica. Nat. Ord. Cucurbitaceae. Sex. Syst. Moncecia Monadelphia, (F.) Couleuvrec, Vigne viergc, ... tida, Bitter Gourd, Bitter Cucumber, (F.) Coloquinte. Family, Cucurbitaceae. Sex. Syst. Monoecia Monadelphia. A Turkey and Cape ...
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