- NLM Digital Collections - The principles and practice of medicinePublication: Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1844... Diabetes Mellitus. By John Rollo, M. D. 984 FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEY. ... in urea, food producing this principle in abundance is not eligible; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Rational diet : an advanced treatise on the food questionPublication: Los Angeles : Times-Mirror Press, 1923... consump- tion of devitalized, demineralized and acid-forming foods one of the leading causes of malnutrition, enervation and functional diseases. The fallacy of the germ theory and vaccination. Chapter XIII Medical Science and the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Joel E. Cohen's Contributions to the Advancement of SciencePublication: Produced: 19 December 1979... ecological communities given by food webs and the functional view given by ... widely made in ecological theory, that niche space can be studied as if ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Ethical therapeutics : or the treatment of disease by moral management, vs. drugs and ...Publication: [Newtown, Conn.?] : [publisher not identified], [1883?]... too much meat and too little vege- table food, and excesses in eating and drinking. A case, illustrative of the value of the above treatment, is related in Dr. Flint’s Theory and Practice, when treating of functional obstipation, as follows: “ Dr. I. B. Hunt subsequently ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Human rumination regarded in the light of atavic tendency : report of a new case, with ...Publication: [St. Louis?] : [publisher not identified], [1894?]... going at once when the nature of the food is changed. If merycoles have not so far borne out anatomically the theory of atavism, that does not pre- clude the possibility of gradual structural adaptation to the altered functional requirements. It must never be lost sight of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Fasting and undernutrition : a biological and sociological study of inanitionPublication: New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, [1923]... It also signifies that every excess of nitrogenous food over and beyond a ... various dietary theories advocating a low protein regime as essential to ...
- ... organisms, and this idea--often called the "germ theory of disease"--slowly gained acceptance after 1870. By ... disease, but to build or improve a permanent, functional public health apparatus ... housing, food, and transportation (i.e., horses, mules, riding gear, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Physical fitness & sports medicine : 1406 selected citationsPublication: Bethesda, Md. : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health : National Library of Medicine, Public Services Division, [1988]... an integration of organizational change and social learning theory intervention. J ... cardirespiratory fitness, blood lipids and psychological development ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Theory and practice of homoeopathy : first part, containing a theory of homoeopathy, with ...Publication: Louisville : Henkle & Logan, printers, 1840... open air. He must observe the influence of food : whether the patient be ... 82 THEORY AND PRACTICE On Infinitesimal Doses. The question of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Outlines of a course of lectures on the institutes of medicinePublication: Lexington, Ky. : Printed by William Tanner, 1823... living- matter, Life, wh< ;rein it -consists, and theories ' ^ Irritabili ty, its laws and ... do. do. Kindt 'J food most suitable to njian, dj. do. Prehe nsion ...
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