- NLM Digital Collections - Depression it can affect you in ways you would never suspectPublication: [New York, N.Y.?] : Pfizer, [19--]Depressive Disorder -- prevention & control ... Depression -- diagnosis Depressive Disorder -- diagnosis Depression -- prevention & control Depressive Disorder -- prevention & control White poster with black lettering. Series information ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon GeneralPublication: National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.), 1999... Chan, F., & Gurza, R. (1987). The San Francisco depression prevention research project: A randomized trial with medical outpatients. In R. F. Munoz (Ed.), Depression prevention: Research directions (pp. 199-215). Washington, DC: Hemisphere ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (pages 101-125)Publication: National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.), 1999... Chan, F., & Gurza, R. (1987). The San Francisco depression prevention research project: A randomized trial with medical outpatients. In R. F. Munoz (Ed.), Depression prevention: Research directions (pp. 199-215). Washington, DC: Hemisphere ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Youth mental health first aid : implementation lessons from PennsylvaniaPublication: [Washington, D.C.] : Grantmakers in Health, December 15, 2015Depression -- prevention & control ... Services School Health Services Students Adolescent Depression -- epidemiology Depression -- prevention & control Mental Disorders -- epidemiology Suicide -- prevention & control Humans [ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Depression define it, defeat itPublication: [Rockville, Md.] : National Institute of Mental Health, [19--]Depressive Disorder -- prevention & control ... it, defeat it Depression--define it, defeat it Depressive Disorder -- prevention & control Social Support Adolescent Gray and white poster. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Á uppleið, þunglyndi getur lagst á allaPublication: [Reykjavík] : Landlæknisembættið, [between 2000 and 2008?]Depression -- prevention & control ... Á uppleið, þunglyndi getur lagst á alla Depression -- prevention & control Multicolor poster with grey, red, and black lettering. Visual image is a photo reproduction of a man smiling. The man has short ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Treating perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in rural Montana : St. Peter’s Health : Helena, ...Publication: [Washington, D.C.] : American Hospital Association, July 2021Depression, Postpartum -- prevention & control ... study (American Hospital Association) Anxiety Disorders -- prevention & control Depression, Postpartum -- prevention & control Mood Disorders -- prevention & control Perinatal Care St. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent SuicidePublication: United States Public Health Service, 1999... form a state youth suicide, substance abuse and depression prevention coalition. The coalition members reflected many sectors in ... information on the dimensions of youth substance abuse, depression and ... a model suicide prevention plan. A broad array of public and professional ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Defense health care. Prevalence of and efforts to screen and treat mental health conditions ...Publication: Washington, DC : United States Government Accountability Office, May 2022Depression, Postpartum -- prevention & control ... to congressional committees United States. Department of Defense Depression, Postpartum -- prevention & control Government Regulation Mental Health Services Patient Health ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The evidence base for cultural and linguistic competency in health carePublication: [New York, N.Y.] : Commonwealth Fund, [2006]... Pinedo TM et al. “Developing a culturally appropriate depression prevention program: the family coping skills program.” Cultural Diversity & ...
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