- NLM Digital Collections - The new dietetics : a guide to scientific feeding in health and diseasePublication: Battle Creek, Michigan : The Modern Medicine Publishing Co., 1923... yields 10 per cent, of its weight of carbohydrate (glycerol). In arranging a diet for a diabetic patient, first consideration must be given to the amount of protein, which should be sufficient to meet the needs of the body without loading it with an excess. Sherman has shown that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Endocrine diseases : including their diagnosis and treatmentPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son & Co., [1923]... the glycosuria disappeared altogether, and if now strong loading of the ... lies in the diet, which purposes to avoid [the functionating of] the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Diabetic metabolism with high and low dietsPublication: Washington : Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1923... upon a high-fat low-protein and low- carbohydrate diet. [Case No. 707. Male; age, 17 years; height, ... te &.C0>--l-‘MCJT05t0t0O- • a tnOtntnOOi' tntnOOOOOOOOOCnOOO- • 3 Carbohydrate. Diet. 00 CO CO tO tO • *4 M 05 ...
- ... indicated, combined with saline purges and a high carbohydrate diet containing plenty of fresh fyuit and vegetables. There ... thorough cleansing, saline aperients, fluids and a high carbohydrate diet low in fat with high vitamin B and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... Studies on the metabolism of aninia1- on a carbohydrate-free diet; the dis- tribution of glycogen and hit in the liver of animals fed on a carbohydrate free diet. Biochem. J., Lond., 1930, 24: 1390- 9. — Patta, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and HealthPublication: United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General, 1988... ing from a high-fat to a high-carbohydrate diet (Little, McGuire. and Derksen 1979; Ahrens 1986). The ... et al. 1984). Addition of fiber to high-carbohydrate diets has been reported to prevent triglyceride elevation on ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of physiologyPublication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1893... much less than that which follows upon a carbohydrate diet; and in the second place, ordinary meat, especially ... of glycogen is effected not by a pure carbohydrate diet, but by a mixed diet rich in carbohydrates. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Diseases of the stomach : their special pathology, diagnosis and treatment, with sections on ....Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston Son & Co., 1897... overlooked that such a thing as a pure carbohydrate diet does not exist, because all articles of this ... diseases. With anacidity and a fair peristalsis a carbohydrate diet is applic- able to carcinoma, but when HCl ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of physiologyPublication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1891... of glycogen is effected not by a pure carbohydrate diet, but by a mixed diet rich in carbohydrates. ... in the liver is especially favored by a carbohydrate diet; and in our studies on digestion we have ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of physiologyPublication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1895... of glycogen is effected not by a pure carbohydrate diet, but by a mixed diet rich in carbohydrates. ... in the liver is especially favored by a carbohydrate diet; and in our studies on digestion we have ...
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