- NLM Digital Collections - American medical botany: being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United ...Publication: Boston : Published by Cummings and Hilliard, at the Boston Bookstore, no. 1, Cornhill, 1817[-1820]... may be better adapted than other topical excitants. BULBOUS CROWFOOT. 75 BOTANICAL REFERENCES. Ranunculus bulbosus, Linn. Sp. pi.—Curtis, Flora Lond. i. 38. — ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., Fry and Kammerer, printers, 1810... a few hours' time raise a blister. The Ranunculus bulbosus, (bulbous crowfoot or butter-cups) pos- sesses the same ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., William Fry, printer, 1814... a few hours' time raise a blister. The Ranunculus bulbosus, (bulbous crowfoot or butter-cups) possesses the same pro- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., William Fry, printer, 1818... a few hours' time raise a blister. The Ranunculus bulbosus, (bulbous crowfoot or butter-cups) possesses the same pro- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medicinal plants: an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.C. Yorston & Co., 1892... LUS y LINN SEX. SYST.-POLYANDRIA POLYGYAMIA. 5 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. BULBOUS BUTTERCUPS. SYN.-RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS, LINN. COM. NAMES.-BULBOUS CROWFOOT OR BUTTERCUPS, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - G. H. G. Jahr's Manual of homoeopathic medicinePublication: Allentown, Pa. : The Academical Bookstore, 1836-1838... the feet and points of the toes. 143. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous - rooted crow-foot.— Germ. Knolliger Hahnenfuss. Duration of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Quincy's Lexicon-medicum : a new medical dictionary, containing an explanation of the terms ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by E. & R. Parker, M. Carey & Son, and Benjamin Warner, 1817... their arrows with the root of this plant. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous root- ed crow toot. The roots and leaves of this plant, Ranunculus bulbosus of Linnaeus :— calycibus retmfiexis, pedunculis sulcatis,caule ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Harper & Brothers, 1856... the Anemone ntmorosa, of Linnaeus. See Anemone ncmorosa. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous-rooted croxv-foot. The roots and leaves of this plaot, Ranunculus—ealy cibus retrofiexis, pedunculis sulcatis, caule erecto mul- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Sold by Collins & Hannay ... [et al.], 1832... tbe Anemone nemorosa, of Linnsus. See Anemone nemorosa. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous-rooted crow-foot The roots and leaves of this plant, Ranunculus—caly- cibus relroflexis, pedunculis sulcatis, caule erecto mul- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Harper & Brothers, 1838... the Anemone nemorosat of Linnxus. See Anemone ncmorosa. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous-rooted crow-foot The roots and leaves of this plant, Ranunculus—caly cibus retroflexis, pedunculis sulcatis, caule erects mul- ...
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