- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... grammes). Oxyacanthin appears to be more active than berberine, but its quantity is so small in bar- berry root that it can, with safety, be ignored. Dose of barberry root bark, as ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's third, last and complete receipt book and household physician : or practical ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : Dickerson, 1889... early and secure it firmly with good, strong safety-pins; as time and labor advances tighten the bandage. 12. Hemorrhage Pill.—Sulphate of berberine made into 5 gr. pills; take every 2 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's third, last and complete receipt book and household physician, or, Practical ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. and Windsor, Ont. : Published by F.B. Dickerson & Co., 1890... early and secure it finnly with good, strong safety-pins; as time and labor advances tighten the bandage. 12. Hemorrhage PHI.— Sulphate of berberine made into 5 gr. pills; take every 2 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's third, last and complete receipt book and household physician : or Practical ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. ; And Windsor, Ont. : Published by F.B. Dickerson & Co., 1888... early and secure it firmly with good, strong safety-pins; as time and labor advances tighten the bandage. 12. Hemorrhage Pill.- Sulphate of berberine made into 5 gr. pills; take every 2 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Manual of chemistry : a guide to lectures and laboratory work for beginners in chemistry : a ....Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1895... Aconitine, CWET45N012 Aconitum napellus. Colchicine, c22h25no6 Colchicum autumnale. Berberine, c20h17no4 Berberis vulgaris. Hydrastine, Hydrastinine, c21h21no6 CnHnN02 j- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of pharmacyPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1895... palmata owes its virtues to colombin, C2lH2207, and berberine, both of which are very bitter; starch and ... rootlets of Hydrastis canadensis, containing hydrastine, C 22 berberine, C2OH17NO4; xanthopuccine, sugar, starch, resin, coloring-matter, etc. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of chemistry : including the most recent discoveries and applications of the science ...Publication: New-York : Published by Harper & Bros., 1846... except boracic acid, which stains it yellowish-red. Berberine exists in the roots of the berberis vulgaris ; ... first from water, and then from alcohol. Pure berberine forms a light crystalline yel- low poAvder of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Thesaurus of proprietary preparations and pharmaceutical specialties : including "patent" ...Publication: Chicago : G.P. Engelhard & Company, 1898... is to be taken 3 times daily. n. Berberine hydrochlorate... gr. 15 Zinc acetate gr. 15 Glycerin ... salt parts 98 Carbolic acid parts 1.35 Berberine hydrochlorate. part 0.65 Royal Germeteur. H. R. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry of the carbon compounds, or, Organic chemistryPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1886... 1615). 3. Berberonic Acid, formed from the alkaloid berberine by oxidation with nit- ric acid, crystallizes with ... 515 acetone, 575 malonic acid, 588 phenylhydrazine, 5x5 Berberine, 666 Berberonic acid, 666 Beronic acid, 665 Betaine, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of pharmacy : a treatise on the modes of making and dispensing officinal, ...Publication: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1890... canadensis Linne (Nat. Ord. Ranunculacece). Hydrastis contains hydrastine, berberine, C20H17NO4, xanthopuccine, sugar, starch, resin, coloring-matter, etc. ...
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