- NLM Digital Collections - Dental medicine : a manual of dental materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1898... will be found useful as a matter of reference: Therapeutic Uses Dose. Acetylphenylhydrazin . Antipyretic and analgesic . . . . 3 to 5 grs. per os. Agaricine Antisudorific ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... and humanized lymph. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1885. ------. Therapy of the ... and analgesics. 11 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, n. d.] ------. Clinical excerpts; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of materia medica and therapeutics : adapted to the American reformed and ...Publication: Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, Keys, 1858... ascertain from which laetucarium might be most advantago- anodynes: ... rational doubt in reference to the therapeutic virtues of the lactuca. The ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of materia medica and therapeutics : adapted to the new physiological system of ...Publication: Cincinnati : Kost & Pool, 1849... Properties.—There can be no rational doubt in reference to the therapeutic virtues of the lactuca. The medicine has been fully tested by many experienced prac- titioners, and competent judges. It is applicable in most cases in which anodynes are indicated, but particularly in 512 MATERIA MEDICA ...
- ... effects proved to be serious in this series. References Wallenstein, ... Therapeutics, Miami, Florida, August 31 - September 3, 1959. Pharmacologist ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Bacchus : an essay on the nature, causes, effects, and cure of intemperancePublication: New York : J. & H. G. Langley, 1840... their slumbers.* Dr. Chapman, in his work on Therapeutics, speaks of the hop thus:—"As an anodyne it may be substituted for opium, Avhere the latter from idiosyncrasy, or other causes, does not suit the case." On reference to the medical dispensatory, it will be seen, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Scientific pharmacy : and facts concerning the introduction of various new therapeutic agents,...Publication: Detroit, Michigan : [Parke, Davis & Co., Manufacturing Chemists], 1892... Especially as a substitute for opium as an anodyne. And we particularly ... value of this drug in therapeutics by a cor- respondent in the year 1878. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - TherapeuticsPublication: [Richmond?] : [publisher not identified], [1867?]... moderates rheumatic pains : of all narcotics is the THERAPEUTICS. 29 least ... and anodynes, stimulants almost all of them, nutritious generally as ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Working bulletin for the scientific investigation of Jamaica dogwood, (piscidia erythrina) : ....Publication: Detroit, Mich., : Sent out by the Scientific Department of Parke Davis & Co. ..., [1882]... especially as a substitute for opium as an anodyne. And we particularly ... value of this drug in therapeutics by a cor- respondent in the year 1878. ...
- ... but was of shorter duration: The chief clinical therapeutic effects are anal- ... 5, 20, 23 for references and infra). Visceral pain such as that arising ...
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