- NLM Digital Collections - A bibliographical sourcebook of compressed air, diving, and submarine medicine (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Research Division, Project X-427, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, 1948-1966... Such studies were vir- tually limited to decompression sickness of altitude. The references given below indicate the trends of these studies. ... P] 8. PRESELECTION TESTS As indicated in the references given below (2ISO- ... due to high altitude. Preselection tests have been devised by the use ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Advances in military medicine: advances in military medicine made by American investigators ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1948... Air Corps on problems of aeroembolism, with particular reference to ALTITUDE DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS 321 its nature and means of prevention. From ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Nutrition and resistance to climatic stress : with particular reference to manPublication: Chicago, Illinois : Research and Development Branch, Office of the Quatermaster General, Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces, November 1949... 2. Effects of Treatments Other Than Nutritional on Altitude Tolerance, Including Massive Vitamin Dosages Treatment Subject or Substance Re marks Reference Drugs Aminophyllin + demerol Man Failed to alleviate or prevent decompression sickness Williams et al. (1946) Ammonium chloride Man Increased ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Advances in military medicine: advances in military medicine made by American investigators ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1948... system aimed at prevention or alleviation of high-altitude decompression sickness. 191 Stanford University F. W. Weymouth Visual perception of distances as affected by illumination and other external conditions, with special reference to the lighting of landing fields and carrier ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Pathological physiology of internal diseases : functional pathologyPublication: New York ; London : D. Appleton and Company, 1923... man to high altitudes. V. Effect of high altitudes on salt metabolism with special reference to the mechanism of maintaining the acid-base equilibrium, of the body. U. C Pub Physiol. 1919. v. 121, Mountain Sickness—Caisson Disease PROTECTIVE RESPIRATORY MECIIAXISMS 413 Vernon (II. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1955... F. Physiology and high altitude flying; with particular reference to air em- bolism and the effects of acceleration. War Med. Sympos, N. Y, 1942, 357-67. Also Resenha clin. cient, S. Paulo, 1943, 12: 107-12.------ Altitude decompression sickness. In; Advance. Mil. Med, Bost, 1948, 1: 318- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Epidemic diseases as dependant upon meteorological influencesPublication: St. Louis, Mo. : Ahner, Menning & Co., printers, 1874... to the degrees of lati- tude and longitude, altitude and season of a given place, and if ... reference to rapidity in course and degree of intensity— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Report on the epidemic cholera as it has appeared in the territories subject to the ...Publication: Edinburgh, W. Blackwood and sons; [etc., etc.] 1849... last two years; while a remarkable increase of sickness, independently of cholera, has prevailed among them, coincident with that in the European troops. By a reference to the meteorological tables, it will be seen that the mean altitudes of the barometer and thermometer never differ, in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Report on the epidemic cholera : as it has appeared in the territories subject to the ...Publication: Madras : Printed at the Asylum Press, 1824... last two years ; while a remarkable increase of sickness, independently of cholera, has prevailed amon<* them, coincident with that in the european troops. By a' reference to the raeteo^ rological tables it will be seen, that the mean altitudes of the barometer and thermometer never differ, in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Outline of course of instruction in high altitude physiology : January-March, 1941Publication: Dayton, Ohio : Materiel Division, Maintenance Command, Air Corps, Field Service Section, Wright Field, April 24, 1941... tory of sea sickness, train sickness or swing sickness* Occurs in all persons ... and visual references, and from less well defined stim- uli such ...
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