- ... personal hygiene, the theory of massage and remedial exercises, theory of bandaging, and practice in the last three subjects. Reconstruction aids are civilian employees whose province is to give massage and remedial exercises prescribed for the care of patients in hospitals ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Color-blindness in its relation to accidents by rail and seaPublication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1878... in the classification of color-blindness in general, theory exercises great influence. In this respect, it is very important that uniformity should prevail, or at least that, at the time of thq employment of the different theories and methods, the limits should be well defined ...
- ... is known with certainty from speculative knowledge and theory; Exercise appropriate precautions to avoid infection in your work ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Catalog of hospital corps schools and coursesPublication: Washington, D.C. : The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department 1942... 540 Grand total 640 PHT 1 Mechanotherapy and Exercise Theory and practice of mechanotherapy. PHT 2 Hydrotherapy Operation ... tion. PHAR 4 Operative and Dispensing Pharmacy.— I. Theory and preparation: Use, ... of physical therapy. Stroking; compression; percussion. Clinical ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Catalog of Hospital Corps schools and coursesPublication: Washington, D.C. : The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, 1944... Grand total 640 Subjects PHT 1 Mechanotherapy and Exercise Theory and practice of mechanotherapy, PHT 2 Hydrotherapy Operation ... percolation. PHAR 4 Operative and Dispensing Pharmacy.— I. Theory and preparation: ... of physical therapy. Stroking; compression; percussion. Clinical ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of treatment, or, Therapeutic index : including medical and surgical therapeuticsPublication: Philadelphia : Lea, 1892... percha tissue. He is probably correct in his aerobic theory, but the experience of every physician proves that ...
- ... the increased excre- tion of urea after active exercise. [The theory of Liebig finds further confirmation in the fact ... which all parts are equally appropriate for the exercise of each of the mental faculties. But it is a more probable theory that each faculty has a special portion of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A natural method of physical training: making muscle and reducing flesh without dieting or ...Publication: Brooklyn, N. Y. : William C. Bryant & Co., 1895... be physical reformer no excuse for missing his exercise. The theory put forth by Mr. Checkley is not new ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An exposition of the principles of the new medical doctrine : with an analysis of the theses ....Publication: Columbia [S.C.] : Printed at the Times and gazette office, 1831... the strictest dependance. Though they7 have pretended that theories exercise no influence on practice, the treatment of eruptive ... and, besides the inconvenience of render- ing medical theories more obscure, exercises on therapeu- tics a vicious influence. Thus, by ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Program of instruction for physical reconditioning officer course (MO-23)Publication: Fort Sam Houston, Texas : Medical Field Service School, Brooke Army Medical Center, 1 February 1948... Exercise", Rathbone; TM 8-293. Use of Therapeutic Exercise in 2 Theory and use of therapeutic exercise in physical thera- py and demoli- sh ration ...
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