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Cyst -pilonidal
- This abdominal CT scan shows multiple cysts in the liver and spleen. Note the dark circular cyst in the liver (left side of screen) and the large, irregular, circular ...
- ... each side of the vaginal opening. A Bartholin cyst is a buildup of fluid that occurs if ... blocked. A Bartholin abscess may occur if the cyst fluid becomes infected. The Bartholin cyst or abscess ...
- This abdominal CT scan shows cysts in the liver and kidneys (polycystic disease). The liver is the large organ on the left side of the screen. The ...
- ... of the upper abdomen showing a fist-sized cyst of the left kidney and gallstones (the kidney cyst was found by chance; there were no symptoms).
- ... accumulate as a pimple-like elevation called Nabothian cysts. These cysts are not a threat to health and no ...
- An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid, or a semisolid material, that develops on or within the ovary. Ovarian cysts are relatively common and usually disappear without treatment.
- Typically, ovarian cysts are functional (not disease-related) and usually disappear on their own within 60 days. Oral contraceptives may be ...
- A Baker cyst is seen as a swelling behind the knee. It forms when joint fluid collects behind the knee. The ...
- Images ... Cystic acne, or nodulocystic acne, is the most severe form of acne. Both pustules and hard red bumps are present in the skin. ...
- ... used to see if a lump is a cyst filled with fluid or a solid mass of tissue. If the lump is a cyst, it can be left alone or aspirated if ...