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  1. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 601 W. Lombard Street
    City: Baltimore
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 21201-1512
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 410-706-5048
    Abstract: The collections at the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s Health Sciences and Human Services Library are strong in the history of medicine and dentistry but also include collections on Social Work, Nursing, Physical Therapy, and Pharmacy. Archival materials and special collections relating to the University of Maryland Baltimore and the Maryland State system are also held in the historical collections. Materials are available for public use but are library use only. It is best to make an appointment to use the collections; however, the space is usually open from 8:30AM to 4:30PM Monday through Friday.
    Holdings: The Historical Collections of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library are comprised of eight separate book collections, and include significant materials in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and social work. The Crawford Collection, which includes early works on medicine and related fields, was originally the private collection of Dr. John Crawford, an early 19th century Baltimore physician. Following his death in 1813, the University of Maryland School of Medicine purchased the collection from his estate. This purchase represents the founding of the Health Sciences Library and by extension the entire University of Maryland Library System. The Cordell Collection, named for Dr. Eugene Cordell, an early historian of the University and first librarian of the institution, includes imprints in the field of medicine. The collection features works by such notables as John Hunter, Benjamin Rush, Hermann Boerhaave, and others. It also includes a substantial number of writings by early faculty members. The Grieves Collection contains significant works in the history of dentistry. Outstanding examples are complete sets of the oldest American dental journals, the first dentistry book published in the United States, as well as the volume Practica Medicine by Arnoldus de Villa Nova, published in Venice in 1497. Of particular note is the extensive collection of dental history prints representing the work of numerous renowned artists dating from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The Pharmacy Collection is rich in herbals, pharmacopoeias, materials on the history of pharmacy, and early pharmaceutical imprints. Notable authors represented include Armand Trousseau, George Urdang, Jacob Bigelow, and Jonathan Pereira. The Nursing Collection is the smallest, but contains first editions of Florence Nightingale's works, and also includes some of her original handwritten notes. The Social Work Collection began with the purchase of the Marie Stopes birth control collection. It includes significant works by such prominent social workers as Jane Addams, Dorothea Dix, Mary Ellen Richmond, Margaret Sanger, and Marie Stopes herself. Its scope ranges from topics such as birth control and world fertility studies, to child welfare, social settlements and the history of social work. The Kendall Historical Collection in physical therapy was donated to us by Dr. Florence P. Kendall, noted lecturer and author of works that have become core materials in the discipline of physical therapy. The collection includes significant twentieth century texts devoted to the study of anatomical structures, movement, and rehabilitative exercise. Other works offer a variety of studies devoted to orthopedic surgery, muscle function, and sports medicine. Of special interest is Dr. Kendall's own work, Muscles, Testing and Function, published in English and eight foreign language editions. The Ferencz Historical Collection is our most recent addition. Donated by Dr. Charlotte Ferencz, the collection includes chiefly twentieth century works in the field of heart disease. The collection informed and inspired Dr. Ferencz's own career in pediatrics and epidemiology, particularly in terms of her work in the area of congenital heart disease and her coordination of the Baltimore-Washington Infant Study. In addition to these book collections, there are archival materials relating to the history of the University of Maryland Baltimore and the history of medicine in Baltimore generally. Records include yearbooks and annual catalogs from the professional schools in the University of Maryland Baltimore. Collections also include papers from influential school founders, professors, and administrators.
    Contact Name, Title: Tara Wink, Historical Librarian And Archivist
    Contact Telephone Number: (410) 706-5048
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Dentistry, History of Medicine, History of Nursing [show all 6]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 4720 Montgomery Lane P.O. Box 31220
    City: Bethesda
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 20824-1220
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 301-652-6611
    Fax Number: 301-656-3620
    Abstract: The Wilma L. West Library (WLW) acquires, organizes and retains literature and other media specific to occupational therapy and occupational science. Patrons may find material from related or supporting disciplines, such as rehabilitation, education, psychiatry or psychology, and health care delivery or administration as it relates to occupational therapy. The library's catalog is titled OT SEARCH and is available on-line by subscription. However, researchers can access it free of charge in the library. The full text of the indexed resources is not in this database; just the bibliographic information to identify the material and an author's abstract, when one exists. As available, OT SEARCH is adding links to sources for full-text copies. Currently OT SEARCH contains over 37,200 records of materials dating from 1910 to the present. The WLW Library is open from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, by appointment only. Appointments should be made at least twenty-four hours before the planned visit. Materials published since 1940 are available for interlibrary loan and the library is a member of DOCLINE. The "Guide to the Archives of the American Occupational Therapy Association" is available on the AOTF website, on and directly upon request form the Wilma L. West Library of the AOTF Institute for the Study of Occupation and Health. The Archive of the American Occupational Therapy Association The Archive of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) is housed in a separate room adjacent to the library and is maintained by the library’s staff. This special collection includes: correspondence and early reprints of the founders of the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy; minutes and reports from the Association's governing boards, the Delegate/Representative Assembly, councils, and committees; records generated by AOTA's national office staff; minutes and/or proceedings from annual and midyear meetings; early legislation and grants important to occupational therapy's development; reports and publications from early occupational therapy schools and programs; records and correspondence concerning AOTA's interaction with other organizations or agencies; photographs of the Association's leaders, of significant events in its history, and of occupational therapists working with patients in various settings.
    Holdings: The collection of the Wilma L. West Library and Archives includes: Over 4300 monographs, dissertations and theses; over 2200 photographic images; Archives: 168 linear feet. Journals: a few of our historical journals include: The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1947-present; Archives of Occupational Therapy, 1922-1924; Maryland Psychiatric Quarterly, 1911-1922; Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1922-1952; and WFOT Bulletin, 1978-present. For a complete list of the journals that are held in the library and are indexed in OT SEARCH, please visit the library's website: <a href="" ></a>. Please note: only selected articles from these titles are indexed. For a Guide to the Archives of the AOTA, please go to: <a href="" ></a>.
    Contact Name, Title: Mindy A. Hecker, Director of Information Resources and the Wilma L. West Library
    Contact Telephone Number: 301-652-6611 ext 2558
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Hospitals, History of Medicine, History of Preventive or Occupational Medicine [show all 7]
  3. Organization Type: Museum, Library
    Address: 2500 Linden Lane
    City: Silver Spring
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 20910
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 301-319-3300
    Abstract: The National Museum of Health and Medicine of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (NMHM), established in 1862, inspires interest in and promotes the understanding of medicine—past, present, and future—with a special emphasis on tri-service American military medicine. As a National Historic Landmark recognized for its ongoing value to the health of the military and to the nation, the Museum identifies, collects, and preserves important and unique resources to support a broad agenda of innovative exhibits, educational programs, and scientific, historical and medical research. Formerly the Armed Forces Medical Museum, NMHM holds history of medicine material including the records of the Army Medical Museum and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. The Otis Historical Archives holds manuscripts, archives, films, prints and photographs, and institutional records. Historical collections hold medical instrumentation and equipment. The Anatomical collections consist of human and veterinary specimens of historical and pathological interest. The neuroanatomical collections focus on the study of the brain and comparative neuroanatomy. The Human Developmental Anatomy Center contains a large embryology collection. SERVICES: The museum is open to the public every day (except Dec. 25) from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Admission is free. Group tours can be arranged with advance notice. The museum is open for research to qualified researchers. Reference services are available by telephone, mail and electronic mail. The museum's web site can be used as a beginning point to search the collections.
    Holdings: The museum has a small reference library with journals and monographs. The archival collections consist of about 1,700 linear feet. Of this, there are about 1,000 films and about 300,000 photographs in all media dating from the 1850's. Holdings also include the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) Oral History Collection. Anatomical collections hold 5,000 pathological skeletal specimens and 8,000 fluid-preserved pathological specimens. Historical collections contain approximately 13,000 medical equipment and instruments, including the Billings microscope collection of microscopes, accessories, microtomes and microscopic slides. The staff is compiling a multitude of databases, printouts of which are available on request. The collections are strongest in the late 19th and early 20th century periods. Our Guide to the Collections is available online at our website.
    Contact Name, Title: Timothy Clarke Jr., Deputy Director (Communications)
    Contact Telephone Number: (301) 319-3349
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Military/Naval Medicine, History of Neurology [show all 7]
  4. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 1900 East Monument Street
    City: Baltimore
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 21205
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 410-955-3159
    Abstract: The Historical Collection was established in 1929 in association with the Institute of the History of Medicine, which occupies the top floor of the William H. Welch Medical Library. The rare book collection consists largely of gifts received by the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. The largest single donor was Howard O. Kelly, Hopkins's first professor of gynecology. A small, but important collection of books by and about Michael Servetus was the gift of Leonard Mackall, a noted Baltimore bibliophile. The Jacobs Collection is strong in 19th century French clinical medicine and pathology; smallpox vaccination and inoculation; tuberculosis in the 18th and 19th centuries; Louis Pasteur; and Rabelais. The Historical Collection has extensive collections of secondary works. We attempt to collect all current scholarship in the history of medicine published in Roman alphabet European languages, and to selectively acquire materials in related fields, such as history of science and technology; sociology and anthropology of medicine; literature and medicine; women in medicine; and history of the occult. SERVICES: Reference service provided in person, by telephone, and by mail. Interlibrary loans are handled by the Welch Medical Library.
    Holdings: Incunabula: 11 volumes; 16th and 17th century: about 2,000 volumes; 18th century: about 4,000 volumes; 19th and 20th century rare medical books are in both the Historical Collection and the general collection of the Welch Library. Secondary works on history of medicine and related fields: about 30,000 volumes. Our holdings are in OCLC and the Welch Library's online catalog. Scholars interested in the history of Johns Hopkins medicine should be aware of the Alan Mason Chesney Archives, which is a separate unit
    Contact Name, Title: Christine Ruggere, Curator
    Contact Telephone Number: (410) 955-3159
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, History of Inoculation Vaccination and Immunization, History of Medicine [show all 4]
  5. Organization Type: Archive
    Address: 7272 Wisconsin Avenue
    City: Bethesda
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 20814
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 301-657-3000
    Fax Number: (301) 664-8879
    Abstract: The ASHP Archives is the official repository of materials documenting the history of the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (1942-date), and of pharmacy practice in organized health care settings in the United States (1890-date). The Archives contain ASHP organizational records, professional papers, and the Donald E. Francke Memorial Library Collection (DEFML). Processed archival collections are described in written finding aids, and the DEFML Collection is cataloged. Materials are available to members and other qualified researchers by appointment. Some reference service is available by phone or mail. Photocopying and photographic reproduction for publication are allowed in most cases. Materials do not circulate. The Archives actively solicits related materials. ASHP also has an active oral history program documenting prominent American hospital/health-system pharmacists and an in-house exhibit program.
    Holdings: The ASHP Archives contains approximately 800 linear feet of processed and unprocessed archival materials. The bulk of the archives collection is made up of records generated by over 50 years of Association activities involving hospital/health-care system pharmacists. Examples are education and training sessions, legislative materials, conference materials, abstracts, and journals. The collection includes most ASHP publications as well as collections of personal papers from individual hospital pharmacists. The Archives contains more than 21,000 photographs (primarily of ASHP activities), audio and video tapes, and oral histories. The Donald E. Francke Memorial Library Collection contains a small but comprehensive collection of approximately 1,000 cataloged books and other media of historical importance related to ASHP and hospital pharmacy in the U.S.
    Contact Name, Title: Anne Callas, Librarian, Records Manager
    Contact Telephone Number: (301) 664-8648
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Hospitals, History of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
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