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  1. Organization Type: Archive, Library
    Address: Campus Box 8132 660 South Euclid
    City: St. Louis
    State Or Province: Missouri
    Zip / Postal Code: 63110
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 314-362-4236
    Fax Number: (314) 454-6696
    Abstract: The Division administers nine collections of rare books and journals, the Washington University Medical Center archives, and a wide range of pictorial resources and ephemeral materials. Begun in 1912 with the acquisition of Julius Pagel's personal library from Berlin, the collections are among the oldest in the U.S. There is a strong subject coverage in European medicine since the late 15th century and all periods of American medicine. The Section is open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. SERVICES: include reference and consulting, and (with varying restrictions) digitization and photocopying. Special arrangements may be made for photographic services and tours. The monograph holdings and rare medical journal titles are searchable through the Library's Bibliographic Access and Control System, its E-Catalog and OCLC.
    Holdings: The Rare Book Collections include five that have specific disciplinary or subject focuses: the Bernard Becker Collection of Ophthalmology and Optics (see L. Wechsler, C. Hoolihan, and M. Weimer, comps., The Bernard Becker Collection in Ophthalmology: An Annotated Catalog, 3d ed., 1996); the Max Goldstein C.I.D. Collection in Otology and Deaf Education, the Henry J. McKellops Rare Book Collection in Dental Medicine; the H. Richard Tyler Collection of the American Academy of Neurology Library; and the Robert E. Schlueter Paracelsus Collection. The Classics of Medicine Collection, the James Moores Ball Collection, the Monuments of Medicine Collection, and the Rare Medical Periodicals Collection are more general in scope, although their contents offer strengths in such subjects as early anatomy and surgery, neurological sciences, and obstetrics and gynecology. The Archives houses materials primarily relating to the history of Washington University School of Medicine and its affiliated institutions. These materials include records of the School of Medicine Administration, the 19th century forerunners of the School, the Barnes Hospital, the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, and St. Louis Children's Hospital. The Archives also holds many personal manuscript collections, among them the papers of William Beaumont, Carl F. Cori, Evarts A. Graham, Joseph Erlanger, and Carl V. Moore. Collections of archival photographs of Medical Center staff, operations, and facilities include more than 50,000 items. Holdings also include oral history interviews in the ongoing Washington University School of Medicine Oral History Project. Many of recordings and transcripts are available on the Becker Medical Library web site. The Division is also the official repository for records of the American Academy of Neurology. See C. Hoolihan and P. Anderson, comps. Special Collections, Library, Washington University School of Medicine (1981).
    Contact Name, Title: Stephen Logsdon, Archivist
    Contact Telephone Number: (314) 362-4236
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Hospitals [show all 10]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 200 First Street, Southwest
    City: Rochester
    State Or Province: Minnesota
    Zip / Postal Code: 55905-9799
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 507-284-3676
    Abstract: The W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is a specialized library within the Mayo Medical Library, housing important collections in the history of medicine and allied sciences. Several thousand volumes of rare medical classics (from 1479) and early journal literature (from 1665) comprise the core collection of primary literature on all aspects of medicine and allied fields. Early medical imprints (pre-1875) and more recently published histories, biographies, facsimiles, and other support material comprise the remainder of the collection of some 23,000 total volumes. Non-book special collections include: medical bookplates, Vanity Fair caricatures of physicians and scientists; photographs of selected Nobel laureates and Mayo Clinic staff; caricatures of medical specialists by a Bavarian wood carver; Mayo Clinic related cartoons; medical philately, and heraldry. Medical works of scholarly significance, first descriptions, classic accounts and works which help explain the development of medicine, and works which enhance the physician’s understanding of the art of medicine, are selected for the collection. Special strengths include Mayo medicine (all specialties), anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, immunology, ophthalmology, and neurology. The W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is located within the Mayo Medical Library and occupies the 15th and 16th floors of the Plummer Building. SERVICES: Although primarily serving Mayo Clinic clientele, the W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library answers inquiries from librarians, physicians, and other professionals, and from individuals or institutions in medicine-related fields outside the Mary Clinic community. We may be able to find an illustration for you, locate the original description of a disease, provide information about a medical eponym, or compile bibliographies of medical topics. If your research requires use of our materials, please contact us for an appointment in advance. Reference service is provided without charge, although the library will charge for any prints, photocopies, or computer searches made as a result of an inquiry. Interlibrary loan is provided at the discretion of staff librarian.
    Holdings: Monographs: 20,000+; 10 incunabula; 20 historical and current journal titles received; 8,700 retrospective journal titles held; 2,500 slides; 7,000 microforms; prints and photographs. Holdings in the W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library are computerized and may be searched in OCLC. Printed guides to the collection: W. Bruce Fye Mayo History of Medicine Library and Mayo Medical Library.
    Contact Name, Title: Hilary Lane, Instructor in History of Medicine, College of Medicine, Coordinator
    Contact Telephone Number: (507) 284-3676
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology, History of Dermatology [show all 7]
  3. Organization Type: Archive, Museum, Library
    Address: 19 South 22nd Street
    City: Philadelphia
    State Or Province: Pennsylvania
    Zip / Postal Code: 19103-3097
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 215-563-3737
    Fax Number: (215) 569-0356
    Abstract: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is the largest independent research library devoted to medical history in the United States. In addition to the holdings accumulated while the College Library served as the central medical library of Philadelphia (19th and 20th century monographs and journals), the library also has extensive holdings of rare books, manuscripts, and prints and photographs, as well as the archives of the College and those of other medical organizations, local and national, extant and extinct. SERVICES: Access to the various collections; historical and bibliographic references; extended historical research (there is an hourly charge for this service); no microfilming services; photocopying at the discretion of the Library staff. Finding aids to manuscript and archive collections: <a href="" ></a>. Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HDML) are accessible from the home page.
    Holdings: The Library contains over 250,000 books and journals published before 1966. More than 400 are incunabula, and more than 12,000 are pre 1801 imprints. Strong holdings in anatomy, surgery, dermatology, neurology, embryology, pathology, and ophthalmology. Particularly rich collections in homeopathy, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. Manuscripts number over one million items and include medieval illuminated manuscripts, hundreds of 18th- and 19th century student lecture notes, and the papers of leaders in American medicine, including Robley Dunglison, George Bacon Wood, S. Weir Mitchell, Joseph Leidy, William Williams Keen, and Edward Bell Krumbhaar and Francis Clark Wood. Archives of a number of medical societies and institutions can be found in the Library. The Library also houses the archives of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the archives of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia (founded in 1787). Finding aids at the Web address above. Prints and Photographs: A portrait/picture catalogue containing over 100,000 cards represents reproductions in books and journals, as well as original prints and photographs. Includes the Samuel B. Sturgis collection and the Faber Family collection of medical illustrations. Special Collections: the William H. Helfand-Samuel X Radbill Medical Bookplate Collection (10,000+ bookplates), Samuel D. Gross Library of Surgery, Joseph T. Freeman Gerontology Collection, Samuel Lewis Curio Collection, William Kent Gilbert Autograph Collection, Medical Trade Ephemera Collection (over 7,000 items), and Joseph Carson Collection. Online Systems: Books are entered in OCLC; archives and manuscripts in RLIN. The Library's online catalog can be accessed at above Web address. The Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HMDL) are accessible from the home page. Guides to the Collection: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1983); Lisabeth M. Holloway, "The Historical Collections of the Library..." in Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 4th ser. 41 (1974): 151-162; Thomas A. Horrocks, "As Far as the Eye Can See: Ophthalmology in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 11 (1989): 37-49; Horrocks and Jack Eckert, "Manuscript Resources in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 12 (1990): 93-101.
    Contact Name, Title: Annie Brogan, College Librarian
    Contact Telephone Number: (215) 399-2304
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Embryology, History of Anatomy, History of Dermatology [show all 11]
  4. Organization Type: Archive
    Address: 5801 Smith Ave, Suite 235
    City: Baltimore
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 21209
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 410-735-6800
    Fax Number: 410-735-6770
    Abstract: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives is the official archival repository of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Archival holdings include institutional records, personal paper collections of individuals associated with the institutions, photographs, fine arts and medical and scientific artifacts which date from the late nineteenth century to the present. Holdings are available for use whenever legal, regulatory, and ethical conditions permit. The Archives staff provides a range of free and fee based services for on site and remote users. Our reading room is open Monday through Friday by appointment only.
    Holdings: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives contains over 24,000 cubic feet of holdings, which includes over 50 institutional record collections, personal paper collections of nearly 500 individuals, biographical files on over 18,000 individuals, over 400,000 still images, over 1300 cans of film, and over 10,000 art and artifact objects.
    Contact Name, Title: Nancy McCall, Director
    Contact Telephone Number: 410-735-6800
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology [show all 38]
  5. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 72 E. Concord Street. L-12
    City: Boston
    State Or Province: Massachusetts
    Zip / Postal Code: 02118
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 617-358-4902
    Fax Number: (617) 358-2351
    Abstract: The archives provide information on the Boston University Medical Center and its component institutions: Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Public Health, the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences, the hospital and its affiliates. Physical access to this collection is for onsite use only. Online access to a collection of BU Medical Campus publications is available via the OpenBU digital repository. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy and photo-reproduction. Researchers should arrange appointments to ensure availability of materials and workspace. The history of medicine collection is a circulating one. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy, photo-reproduction and library loan.
    Holdings: The archives collection contains 1 17th century title, 90 18th century titles and 375 19th century titles. The archive journals from 1848 to the present provide school catalogs, annual reports, in-house publications and yearbooks. The hospital records, primarily administrative and financial in nature and kept in file cabinets, cover 1855-1964. These encompass the Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, the Mass. Memorial Hospitals and University Hospital—all predecessors of the Boston Medical Center. The file cabinet collections of the Medical, Dental, Public Health Schools, along with the Graduate Medical Sciences Division, provide administrative and budgetary information about the schools but also their particular education programs and research projects. The images collection of over 1000 items cover individual students, faculty, staff and alumni of the medical center and its components; class pictures from the different schools; buildings (interiors and exteriors) and environs of the past, present and future. The Medical instruments collection has 300 pieces used in surgery and general practice. The Doris Appel History of Medicine Collection of over 2200 titles, named in 1980 in honor of the well known medical historian and sculptor, has a wide variety of offerings: general sweep of history from antiquity to modern times; medicine in various countries and time periods; discoveries, trends and developments; rise of specialties; organizational histories; and biographies of famous physicians and those who are well known in their communities.
    Contact Name, Title: A’Llyn Ettien, Collections Management Librarian
    Contact Telephone Number: (617)-358-4488
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Parasitology, History of Specialization in Medicine, History of Anatomy [show all 28]
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