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  1. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 200 First Street, Southwest
    City: Rochester
    State Or Province: Minnesota
    Zip / Postal Code: 55905-9799
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 507-284-3676
    Abstract: The W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is a specialized library within the Mayo Medical Library, housing important collections in the history of medicine and allied sciences. Several thousand volumes of rare medical classics (from 1479) and early journal literature (from 1665) comprise the core collection of primary literature on all aspects of medicine and allied fields. Early medical imprints (pre-1875) and more recently published histories, biographies, facsimiles, and other support material comprise the remainder of the collection of some 23,000 total volumes. Non-book special collections include: medical bookplates, Vanity Fair caricatures of physicians and scientists; photographs of selected Nobel laureates and Mayo Clinic staff; caricatures of medical specialists by a Bavarian wood carver; Mayo Clinic related cartoons; medical philately, and heraldry. Medical works of scholarly significance, first descriptions, classic accounts and works which help explain the development of medicine, and works which enhance the physician’s understanding of the art of medicine, are selected for the collection. Special strengths include Mayo medicine (all specialties), anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, immunology, ophthalmology, and neurology. The W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is located within the Mayo Medical Library and occupies the 15th and 16th floors of the Plummer Building. SERVICES: Although primarily serving Mayo Clinic clientele, the W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library answers inquiries from librarians, physicians, and other professionals, and from individuals or institutions in medicine-related fields outside the Mary Clinic community. We may be able to find an illustration for you, locate the original description of a disease, provide information about a medical eponym, or compile bibliographies of medical topics. If your research requires use of our materials, please contact us for an appointment in advance. Reference service is provided without charge, although the library will charge for any prints, photocopies, or computer searches made as a result of an inquiry. Interlibrary loan is provided at the discretion of staff librarian.
    Holdings: Monographs: 20,000+; 10 incunabula; 20 historical and current journal titles received; 8,700 retrospective journal titles held; 2,500 slides; 7,000 microforms; prints and photographs. Holdings in the W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library are computerized and may be searched in OCLC. Printed guides to the collection: W. Bruce Fye Mayo History of Medicine Library and Mayo Medical Library.
    Contact Name, Title: Hilary Lane, Instructor in History of Medicine, College of Medicine, Coordinator
    Contact Telephone Number: (507) 284-3676
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology, History of Dermatology [show all 7]