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  1. Organization Type: Museum
    Address: Ann Baillie Building National Historic Site, 32 George Street
    City: Kingston
    State Or Province: Ontario
    Zip / Postal Code: K7L2V7
    Country: Canada
    Telephone Number: 613-548-2419
    Abstract: The Museum of Health Care at Kingston is a safe haven for more than 30,000 artefacts, including medical, surgical, and laboratory instruments, commemorative objects, and patient care items. Individuals and institutions donated the artefacts in the various collections, which date from the late 18th century to the present. The collection can be searched on the Museum's website at <a href="" ></a> or Artefacts Canada. The Museum can provide images for both web publication, and high-resolution images for print publication.
    Holdings: More than 30,000 artefacts.
    Contact Name, Title: Paul Robertson (Curator) Or Dr. James Low (Executive Director), Curator, Executive Director
    Contact Telephone Number: 6135482419
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology [show all 21]
  2. Organization Type: Museum
    Address: Thackray Museum Beckett Street
    City: Leeds
    Zip / Postal Code: LS9 7LN
    Country: United Kingdom
    Telephone Number: 0113 244 4343
    Abstract: Our collection is particularly strong in European surgical instruments from the 1600s to the present day, and instrument makers’ patterns dating from the late 1800s. We also collect equipment supplied to and used by healthcare providers, including hospital and dental equipment, and we have an important collection of British anaesthetic equipment. There is a representative collection of mainly British first-aid equipment and domestic medicine, and a small collection of British patent medicines and quack cures. The Museum collects medals, tokens and coins with medical links. We also hold a nationally significant collection of hearing aids and audiology equipment, including the British Society of Audiology collection. Amongst the jewels of the Museum’s collections are over 600 ceramic drug jars that were donated to us by Dr. John Frederick Wilkinson. The jars date from the 1500s-1800s and would have been used by pharmacists to store medicine and ingredients. Dr. Wilkinson assembled his collection over a period of 40 years and achieved the largest collection of English pharmacy jars in the world. It includes 400 English drug jars and 200 from Italy and elsewhere. The entire collection is on permanent display at the Museum. The Museum has a small archive relating to the healthcare industry. The archive includes 20th century material from the Thackray medical supply company and other medical supply firms, as well as a collection of pre-NHS pharmacy prescription books dating to the 1800s. There is also a small but interesting collection of photographs showing public health problems in Leeds, 1930 – 1970.
    Holdings: The Medical History Resource Centre provides access to the Museum’s collection of over 40,000 objects and its library of 15,000 books and catalogues about medicine, healthcare and their histories. Anyone can make an appointment to use the library and resource centre. There is a computerised catalogue where you can access information about books and objects from the Museum’s collection. Information about other library collections is available on microfiche. We cannot lend items to the general public, but a photocopying and photography service is available for a small fee. Our friendly and experienced staff will be pleased to help you find the resources you need. Our staff are available by appointment to identify historical medical items (normally free of charge). A search service is also available; please contact us for a list of charges. The resource centre is open from 10am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, except for bank holidays and staff holidays. To make the most of your visit booking is essential, so please call us on 0113 244 4343 to make an appointment.
    Contact Name, Title: Lauren Ryall-Stockton
    Contact Telephone Number: 0113 244 4343
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Hospitals [show all 10]
  3. Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum
    Address: University of the Basque Country (Lejona Campus), Central Library Bulding E-48940, Lejona (Biscay), Spain
    City: Lejona
    Zip / Postal Code: E-48940
    Country: Spain
    Telephone Number: 946012790 / 946012270
    Fax Number: (34) 946 013 2
    Abstract: The Basque Museum of the History of Medicine was founded by José Luis Goti in 1982 to preserve the historic memory of medicine in the Basque Country. The Museum is located on the campus of Leioa of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and is important in the training of students of medicine and the students coming from other faculties. Apart from safeguarding our scientific heritage, the Museum —as part of the university— has a research and teaching mission. On the research side, it aims to unite the global vision of issues such as the history of disease, geophysics or meteorology, with an interest for local reality in different sanitary and scientific aspects. As far as teaching is concerned, classes and practicals of different subjects from degrees related to health sciences are given at the Seminar Room. In addition to placing its contents at the disposal of historians of medicine and science in general, the Museum aims to spread knowledge among the public in general. Together with its Permanent Exhibition, the Museum displays Temporary Exhibitions of different topics, and collaborates with other exhibitions or national events.
    Holdings: Its permanent exposition comprises approx. 6,000 medical objects of the 19th and 20th centuries organized thematically in 24 rooms devoted to different medical specialities: folk medicine, unconventional medicine, pharmacy, weights and measures, asepsis and antisepsis, microscopes, laboratory material, X-rays, obstetrics and gynaecology, surgery, anaesthesia, endoscope, odontology, cardiology, ophthalmology, electrotherapy, pathological anatomy and natural sciences. In addition, the Museum has a vast library that includes a collection of 19th and 20th century books. We highlight the historical library of the Basurto Hospital and several encyclopedic dictionaries from the 20th century, such as the Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales by Dechambre (100 volumes) and the Diccionario de Ciencias Médicas published in 1821 (38 volumes).
    Contact Name, Title: Anton Erkoreka, Director
    Contact Telephone Number: (34) 946 012 790
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Dentistry [show all 19]
  4. Organization Type: Library, Museum, Archive
    Address: 140 East 38th Street
    City: New York
    State Or Province: New York
    Zip / Postal Code: 10016
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 212-889-1938
    Abstract: From the birth of photography through the modern age, The Burns Archive with over one million historic photographs is best known for providing photographic evidence of forgotten, unseen and disquieting aspects of history. The cornerstone of The Burns Archive is its unparalleled collection of early medical photography, but it is also renowned for its iconic images depicting the darker side of life: Death, Disease, Disaster, Mayhem, Crime, Racism, Revolution and War. Over the past forty years, thousands of publishers, exhibitors, authors, researchers, artists and filmmakers have utilized this unique source of visual documentation. Having produced dozens of books and having curated and contributed to frequent national and international museum and gallery exhibitions, The Burns Archive actively acquires, donates, researches, lectures, exhibits, consults, and shares its rare and unusual photographs and expertise worldwide.
    Holdings: Largest private archive of early medical photography (1847-1960), containing over 70,000 images related to the history of medicine, especially strong in nineteenth century imagery (daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, etc). Our library contains hundreds of original journals, especially those related to medical photography, 1865-1930. Several books and articles on various aspects of medical specialties have been published from the collection.
    Contact Name, Title: Elizabeth Burns, Creative & Operations Director
    Contact Telephone Number: 212-889-1938
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Alternative Medicine, History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia [show all 50]