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  1. Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum
    Address: American Academy of Ophthalmology 655 Beach Street
    City: San Francisco
    State Or Province: California
    Zip / Postal Code: 94109
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 415-561-8502
    Fax Number: 1-415-561-8567
    Abstract: Founded in 1980, the Museum of Vision strives to preserve ophthalmic heritage and to inspire appreciation of vision science, ophthalmology and contributions made toward preventing blindness worldwide. This is accomplished through a collection which includes artifacts, books, and archives. In 2004, Dr. Stanley M. Truhlsen established an endowment to fund the Stanley M. Truhlsen, MD Director of Ophthalmic Heritage within the Museum of Vision, a position currently held by Jenny Benjamin. SERVICES: image rights and reproduction, historical research, object identification (not appraisal), elementary school curriculum (available on-line only). EXHIBITS: Museum of Vision is open by appointment, Monday through Friday 10 am – 5 pm, no admission fee. WEBSITE: includes a searchable collections database, exhibits, and access to biographies, oral histories, and educational resources.
    Holdings: The museum’s holdings can be divided into museum, library, and archive. MUSEUM: holds over 10,500 artifacts including ancient and modern examples of alternative medicine, art, furniture, instruments, memorabilia, numismatics, philately, pharmaceuticals, and vision aids. Holdings include The Harriet and J. William Rosenthal, MD Collection. LIBRARY: holds over 2,000 books with over 200 rare volumes including the Spencer E. Sherman, MD Antique Ophthalmology Book Collection, the M. Wallace Friedman, MD Rare Book Collection. ARCHIVE: holds over 35 collections of corporate records, personal papers, photographs, oral histories, and film. Corporate records include the American Academy of Ophthalmology and its predecessor, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the American Optical Company. Special note should be made of the personal records in the archive of Drs. Rudolf Bock, Charles H. May, George K. Kambara, Carl Koller, Irving Leopold, Robert Machemer, Marshall M. Parks and Bruce Spivey.
    Contact Name, Title: Jenny E. Benjamin, Director
    Contact Telephone Number: 1-415-561-8502
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Hospitals [show all 12]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: Special Collections, University of Washington, Box 352900
    City: Seattle
    State Or Province: Washington
    Zip / Postal Code: 98195-2900
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 206-543-7492
    Fax Number: (206) 543-1931
    Abstract: The History of Science and Medicine Collection within the Special Collections division at the University of Washington is located on-site in a closed stack environment. The collection includes pre-1850 imprints, 1851-1890 imprints plus selected imprints to 1914. The scope of the collections is broad, with significant holdings in teratology, pediatrics, anatomy, physiology, and ophthalmology. These historical collections are supported by journal and monograph secondary source materials located in our open collections. The collection is Library Use Only. The collections is available Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Staff-mediated photocopying is permitted on a case-by-case basis, as are requests for digital reproductions. If you would like to contact the library, please do so by completing the following form: <a href="" ></a>.
    Holdings: The History of Science and Medicine collection has 7,875 titles, including 3 incunabula. All holdings are fully cataloged.
    Contact Name, Title: Lisa Oberg, Associate Director/History of Science and Medicine Curator
    Contact Telephone Number: (206) 543-7492
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Medicine, History of Ophthalmology and Optometry [show all 6]
  3. Organization Type: Archive, Library
    Address: Campus Box 8132 660 South Euclid
    City: St. Louis
    State Or Province: Missouri
    Zip / Postal Code: 63110
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 314-362-4236
    Fax Number: (314) 454-6696
    Abstract: The Division administers nine collections of rare books and journals, the Washington University Medical Center archives, and a wide range of pictorial resources and ephemeral materials. Begun in 1912 with the acquisition of Julius Pagel's personal library from Berlin, the collections are among the oldest in the U.S. There is a strong subject coverage in European medicine since the late 15th century and all periods of American medicine. The Section is open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. SERVICES: include reference and consulting, and (with varying restrictions) digitization and photocopying. Special arrangements may be made for photographic services and tours. The monograph holdings and rare medical journal titles are searchable through the Library's Bibliographic Access and Control System, its E-Catalog and OCLC.
    Holdings: The Rare Book Collections include five that have specific disciplinary or subject focuses: the Bernard Becker Collection of Ophthalmology and Optics (see L. Wechsler, C. Hoolihan, and M. Weimer, comps., The Bernard Becker Collection in Ophthalmology: An Annotated Catalog, 3d ed., 1996); the Max Goldstein C.I.D. Collection in Otology and Deaf Education, the Henry J. McKellops Rare Book Collection in Dental Medicine; the H. Richard Tyler Collection of the American Academy of Neurology Library; and the Robert E. Schlueter Paracelsus Collection. The Classics of Medicine Collection, the James Moores Ball Collection, the Monuments of Medicine Collection, and the Rare Medical Periodicals Collection are more general in scope, although their contents offer strengths in such subjects as early anatomy and surgery, neurological sciences, and obstetrics and gynecology. The Archives houses materials primarily relating to the history of Washington University School of Medicine and its affiliated institutions. These materials include records of the School of Medicine Administration, the 19th century forerunners of the School, the Barnes Hospital, the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, and St. Louis Children's Hospital. The Archives also holds many personal manuscript collections, among them the papers of William Beaumont, Carl F. Cori, Evarts A. Graham, Joseph Erlanger, and Carl V. Moore. Collections of archival photographs of Medical Center staff, operations, and facilities include more than 50,000 items. Holdings also include oral history interviews in the ongoing Washington University School of Medicine Oral History Project. Many of recordings and transcripts are available on the Becker Medical Library web site. The Division is also the official repository for records of the American Academy of Neurology. See C. Hoolihan and P. Anderson, comps. Special Collections, Library, Washington University School of Medicine (1981).
    Contact Name, Title: Stephen Logsdon, Archivist
    Contact Telephone Number: (314) 362-4236
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Hospitals [show all 10]
  4. Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum
    Address: 19 South 22nd Street
    City: Philadelphia
    State Or Province: Pennsylvania
    Zip / Postal Code: 19103-3097
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 215-563-3737
    Fax Number: (215) 569-0356
    Abstract: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is the largest independent research library devoted to medical history in the United States. In addition to the holdings accumulated while the College Library served as the central medical library of Philadelphia (19th and 20th century monographs and journals), the library also has extensive holdings of rare books, manuscripts, and prints and photographs, as well as the archives of the College and those of other medical organizations, local and national, extant and extinct. SERVICES: Access to the various collections; historical and bibliographic references; extended historical research (there is an hourly charge for this service); no microfilming services; photocopying at the discretion of the Library staff. Finding aids to manuscript and archive collections: <a href="" ></a>. Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HDML) are accessible from the home page.
    Holdings: The Library contains over 250,000 books and journals published before 1966. More than 400 are incunabula, and more than 12,000 are pre 1801 imprints. Strong holdings in anatomy, surgery, dermatology, neurology, embryology, pathology, and ophthalmology. Particularly rich collections in homeopathy, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. Manuscripts number over one million items and include medieval illuminated manuscripts, hundreds of 18th- and 19th century student lecture notes, and the papers of leaders in American medicine, including Robley Dunglison, George Bacon Wood, S. Weir Mitchell, Joseph Leidy, William Williams Keen, and Edward Bell Krumbhaar and Francis Clark Wood. Archives of a number of medical societies and institutions can be found in the Library. The Library also houses the archives of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the archives of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia (founded in 1787). Finding aids at the Web address above. Prints and Photographs: A portrait/picture catalogue containing over 100,000 cards represents reproductions in books and journals, as well as original prints and photographs. Includes the Samuel B. Sturgis collection and the Faber Family collection of medical illustrations. Special Collections: the William H. Helfand-Samuel X Radbill Medical Bookplate Collection (10,000+ bookplates), Samuel D. Gross Library of Surgery, Joseph T. Freeman Gerontology Collection, Samuel Lewis Curio Collection, William Kent Gilbert Autograph Collection, Medical Trade Ephemera Collection (over 7,000 items), and Joseph Carson Collection. Online Systems: Books are entered in OCLC; archives and manuscripts in RLIN. The Library's online catalog can be accessed at above Web address. The Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HMDL) are accessible from the home page. Guides to the Collection: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1983); Lisabeth M. Holloway, "The Historical Collections of the Library..." in Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 4th ser. 41 (1974): 151-162; Thomas A. Horrocks, "As Far as the Eye Can See: Ophthalmology in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 11 (1989): 37-49; Horrocks and Jack Eckert, "Manuscript Resources in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 12 (1990): 93-101.
    Contact Name, Title: Annie Brogan, College Librarian
    Contact Telephone Number: (215) 399-2304
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Dermatology, History of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases [show all 11]
  5. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 12, rue de l´Ecole de Médecine Cedex 06
    City: Paris
    Zip / Postal Code: 75270
    Country: France
    Telephone Number: +33 (0) 1 76 53 19 51
    Fax Number: +33 (0) 1 44 41 10 20
    Abstract: Founded in 1795, the library holds a collection of old and rare books, dating back to the Middle Ages. The library also runs digitization programs in the history of medicine. These programs include a Hippocratic collection; Galen’s works; 19th century dissertations of the medical school of Paris and many other electronic documents; web sites of learned societies. 2.2 M pages as of March 2011. SERVICES: reference assistance in person, by phone, mail, fax, and e-mail; in-house photocopying allowed depending upon the document; photocopies, photographs, microforms, and digitized reproductions for interlibrary loan purposes.
    Holdings: Incunabula: 100; 16th century: 3,000 titles; 17th century: 6,000 titles; 18th century: 12,000 titles; 19th century: 40,000 titles. Manuscripts: 800; journals: 20,000 titles. Total holdings: more than 100,000 volumes. Noteworthy: many editio princeps (first printed editions of manuscripts); "Les Commentaires" of the medical school of Paris (1395-1786; 24 volumes in folio); Parisian medical dissertations from the 16th century. The Academic Medical Library of Paris (BIUM) has published eight series of full-text accessible electronic editions: Corpus of Ancient Physicians (Hippocrates, Galen, Oribase, Rufus of Ephesus et al.), Sources of Medical Specialties (Anatomy, ORL, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Odontology, Psychology, etc.), References (19th century medical dictionaries, Eponymic diseases, journals), History of Medicine and Paris Medical School, Epidemics and diseases (melancholy, plague, migraine), Medieval medicine, Physicians and scientists (Claude Bernard, Bichat, Marey, Orfila, Vesalius, Vicq d'Azyr et al.), and Varia (Paris Medical School dissertations, Bailliere Publishing Co., Printed catalogues of surgical and dental instruments, History of women's entrance into medicine). Virtual exhibits are accessible as well (WWI smashed faces, Boccone's Herbals, Monsters from the Renaissance up to the XVIIth century, A. Paré's works, Jules Cloquet's travel journal, P Fauchard's works). Medical images databank: (200,000 portraits and various illustrations as of September, 2015).
    Contact Name, Title: Guy P. Cobolet, Director
    Contact Telephone Number: +33 (0) 1 76 53 19 51
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Botany, History of Dermatology [show all 11]
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