Organization Type: Archive, Library Address: 801 N. Rutledge Mailing Address:P.O. Box 19625 City: Springfield State Or Province: Illinois Zip / Postal Code: 62794-9625 Country: United States Telephone Number: 217-545-2658 Abstract: The Special Collections Department consists of rare books, archives, and a few manuscript collections, which relate to the history of medicine. The core of the rare book collection was purchased from Dr. Morris Saffron, and is rich in works on both dermatology and the history of medicine. Three other collections of note are: the Frank B. Norbury Collection (neurology and psychiatry); the Kemper/Buckmaster Collection (a 19th-early 20th century working physicians collection); and the William Moore Collection (homeopathy and popular medical texts). The archives consist of 334 linear feet of material dealing with Southern Illinois University's School of Medicine. A few manuscript materials are housed in special collections, mostly related to the central Illinois region. Reference service is available both in person and by phone. The hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Photocopying is by staff at their discretion. Holdings: The total number of volumes in the collection is 5,188. Current information on dates of publication: incunabula, 0; 16th century, 13; 17th century, 26; 18th century, 138; 19th century, 1,112; 20th century, 1,242. Archival size: 334 linear feet; manuscript collection: 11; photographs, 878. All rare books are available in the online catalog, and an online finding aid is available for archival materials. The collection also includes some oral histories. Contact Name, Title: Fran E. Kovach Mlis Ahip, Reference & Education Librarian Contact Telephone Number: 217-545-2658 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Dermatology, History of Medicine, History of Neurology[show all 4] Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum Address: 19 South 22nd Street City: Philadelphia State Or Province: Pennsylvania Zip / Postal Code: 19103-3097 Country: United States Telephone Number: 215-563-3737 Fax Number: (215) 569-0356 Abstract: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is the largest independent research library devoted to medical history in the United States. In addition to the holdings accumulated while the College Library served as the central medical library of Philadelphia (19th and 20th century monographs and journals), the library also has extensive holdings of rare books, manuscripts, and prints and photographs, as well as the archives of the College and those of other medical organizations, local and national, extant and extinct. SERVICES: Access to the various collections; historical and bibliographic references; extended historical research (there is an hourly charge for this service); no microfilming services; photocopying at the discretion of the Library staff. Finding aids to manuscript and archive collections: <a href="" ></a>. Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HDML) are accessible from the home page. Holdings: The Library contains over 250,000 books and journals published before 1966. More than 400 are incunabula, and more than 12,000 are pre 1801 imprints. Strong holdings in anatomy, surgery, dermatology, neurology, embryology, pathology, and ophthalmology. Particularly rich collections in homeopathy, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. Manuscripts number over one million items and include medieval illuminated manuscripts, hundreds of 18th- and 19th century student lecture notes, and the papers of leaders in American medicine, including Robley Dunglison, George Bacon Wood, S. Weir Mitchell, Joseph Leidy, William Williams Keen, and Edward Bell Krumbhaar and Francis Clark Wood. Archives of a number of medical societies and institutions can be found in the Library. The Library also houses the archives of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the archives of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia (founded in 1787). Finding aids at the Web address above. Prints and Photographs: A portrait/picture catalogue containing over 100,000 cards represents reproductions in books and journals, as well as original prints and photographs. Includes the Samuel B. Sturgis collection and the Faber Family collection of medical illustrations. Special Collections: the William H. Helfand-Samuel X Radbill Medical Bookplate Collection (10,000+ bookplates), Samuel D. Gross Library of Surgery, Joseph T. Freeman Gerontology Collection, Samuel Lewis Curio Collection, William Kent Gilbert Autograph Collection, Medical Trade Ephemera Collection (over 7,000 items), and Joseph Carson Collection. Online Systems: Books are entered in OCLC; archives and manuscripts in RLIN. The Library's online catalog can be accessed at above Web address. The Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HMDL) are accessible from the home page. Guides to the Collection: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1983); Lisabeth M. Holloway, "The Historical Collections of the Library..." in Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 4th ser. 41 (1974): 151-162; Thomas A. Horrocks, "As Far as the Eye Can See: Ophthalmology in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 11 (1989): 37-49; Horrocks and Jack Eckert, "Manuscript Resources in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 12 (1990): 93-101. Contact Name, Title: Annie Brogan, College Librarian Contact Telephone Number: (215) 399-2304 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Dermatology, History of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases[show all 11] Organization Type: Museum, Library, Archive Address: 140 East 38th Street City: New York State Or Province: New York Zip / Postal Code: 10016 Country: United States Telephone Number: 212-889-1938 Abstract: From the birth of photography through the modern age, The Burns Archive with over one million historic photographs is best known for providing photographic evidence of forgotten, unseen and disquieting aspects of history. The cornerstone of The Burns Archive is its unparalleled collection of early medical photography, but it is also renowned for its iconic images depicting the darker side of life: Death, Disease, Disaster, Mayhem, Crime, Racism, Revolution and War. Over the past forty years, thousands of publishers, exhibitors, authors, researchers, artists and filmmakers have utilized this unique source of visual documentation. Having produced dozens of books and having curated and contributed to frequent national and international museum and gallery exhibitions, The Burns Archive actively acquires, donates, researches, lectures, exhibits, consults, and shares its rare and unusual photographs and expertise worldwide. Holdings: Largest private archive of early medical photography (1847-1960), containing over 70,000 images related to the history of medicine, especially strong in nineteenth century imagery (daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, etc). Our library contains hundreds of original journals, especially those related to medical photography, 1865-1930. Several books and articles on various aspects of medical specialties have been published from the collection. Contact Name, Title: Elizabeth Burns, Creative & Operations Director Contact Telephone Number: 212-889-1938 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Alternative Medicine, History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia[show all 50]
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