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  1. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 1750 West Polk (MC 763)
    City: Chicago
    State Or Province: Illinois
    Zip / Postal Code: 60612-7223
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 312-996-8977
    Abstract: Special Collections and University Archives in the Library of the Health Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago houses rare books and archives, including pre-fire Chicago imprints (prior to 1871) related to the history of the health sciences. The department also houses the records of the University Archives related to the health science colleges. Many of the historical materials focus on the development of the health sciences in Chicago and the Midwest. The Special Collections and University Archives is open to the public and provides reference, photocopying, and photographic reproduction services.
    Holdings: The strengths of Special Collections and University Archives are neurology, urology, dermatology, and the history of medicine, including collections of early anatomies, herbals, pharmacopeias, and formularies. There are over 23,000 volumes of pre-1930 monographs and pre-1900 journals and over 5,000 linear feet of archival collections, in addition to photographs, slides, and artifacts. We hold records from the pre-UIC health colleges, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago and the Chicago College of Pharmacy. Other archival collections include the Cook County School of Nursing records, the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association records, the Horizon Hospice records, and the Abraham Low/Recovery International collections.
    Contact Name, Title: Pamela Hackbart-Dean, Department Head
    Contact Telephone Number: (312) 996-2742
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Botany, History of Dentistry [show all 19]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 1216 Fifth Avenue
    City: New York
    State Or Province: New York
    Zip / Postal Code: 10029
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 212-822-7315
    Abstract: Initially established as a medical collection for the use of physicians, the Library opened to the public in 1878. As a working professional library, the collection’s primary focus was first in contemporary medicine, but soon extended to rare and historical materials. The Library's current focus has shifted to building on its historical holdings, including current works in the history of medicine. The Library houses much of its rare book collection in the Drs. Barry and Bobbi Coller Rare Book Reading Room, which also contains many secondary sources in the history of medicine, the history of books and printing, medical bibliography, biography and dictionaries. Manuscripts and archives include the Academy's own archives, the archives of a number of professional societies and organizations, case books, medical student notebooks, and culinary and medicinal receipt books. These archives serve as a primary resource for the history of health administration, medical education, public health, and medical practice in New York City. SERVICES: reference, interlibrary loan, photo duplication
    Holdings: Incunabula: 164 titles; 16th century: 2,100 titles; 17th century: 2,700 titles; 18th century: 7,300 titles; 19th century: 46,000 titles. Classics: 16th century European works, with special emphasis on anatomy and surgery. Works from other time periods: originals, translations, reprints of Aristotle, Galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Ketham, Malpighi, Jenner, etc. Original editions by the great men of science: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Bacon, etc. Manuscripts: over 2,000, notably Apicius, De re culinaria (9th century) and Guy de Chauliac (15th century). Subject areas: plagues and epidemics; astrology and the occult; popular healing with emphases on diet, balneology, cookery and nutrition; medical Americana (late 17th to mid 19th century); European medical dissertations (17th to 19th century); early works on cardiology, including the two first editions of Harvey's De motu cordis... (1628); broadsides (16th 19th century) on such topics as public health and food regulation. The named special collections include, but are not limited to: Michael M. Davis Collection of Social and Economic Aspects of Medicine; Margaret Barclay Wilson Collection on Food and Cookery; Hayes Martin Collection of 17th through 20th century engravings and woodcuts; Beekman Collection of Hunteriana; Rufus Cole Collection of works by and about Francesco Redi and his circle; Harms Collection of pre 1900 psychiatry and psychology. The collections of portraits of physicians and illustrations of medical activities include over 275,000 items. Printed Catalogs: Portrait Catalog (3rd Supplement, 1976), Illustration Catalog (3rd Supplement, 1976), Author Catalog of the Library (1st Supplement, 1974); Subject Catalog of the Library (1st Supplement, 1974); Catalog of Biographies in the Library (1960).
    Contact Name, Title: Arlene Shaner, MA, MLS., Historical Collections Librarian
    Contact Telephone Number: (212) 822-7313
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Alternative Medicine, History of Anatomy, History of Botany [show all 13]
  3. Organization Type: Museum, Library
    Address: 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE
    City: Washington
    State Or Province: District of Columbia
    Zip / Postal Code: 20032
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 202-299-5312
    Abstract: Historical printed and photographic materials dating as far back as 1852 to present. Individuals may access materials with prior approval in the Hospital's professional library.
    Holdings: Annual Reports of Board of Visitors Historic Photographs Doctoral Dissertations Journal Articles William A. White, M.D. Collection (books, monographs) Isaac W. Blackburn, M.D. Neuropathy Collection
    Contact Name, Title: Tamil Perry, Ed.D., Director of Public Affairs
    Contact Telephone Number: 202-299-5312
    Contact Email Address:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Hospitals, History of Military/Naval Medicine, History of Pathology [show all 6]
  4. Organization Type: Archive, Library
    Address: P.O.Box 11-0236 / University Libraries / Riad El-Solh
    City: Beirut
    Zip / Postal Code: 1107 2020
    Country: Lebanon
    Telephone Number: (961) 1 350000
    Fax Number: (961) 1 744703
    Abstract: ​The University Libraries consist of Nami Jafet Memorial Library as the main library which also includes the Archives and Special Collections, the Engineering and Architecture Library, the Saab Memorial Medical Library, and the Science and Agriculture Library, with its annex library at the Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) in the Beqa'a Valley. The first Library was founded with the University in 1866. Jafet Library was founded in 1952 and the Medical Library was founded in 1975. The Medical Library houses a number of historically important items, some of which are digitized, such as: Abdul-Massih Massuh - Accreditations and Van Dyck's Notes on Physiology - عبد المسيح مسّوح Abi Bakr al-Razi, On Chickenpox and Measles, 1872 - كتاب في الجدري والحصبة لابي بكر محمد بن زكريا الرازي Ahmed Al-Rashidi, "Materia Medica" - كتاب عمدة المحتاج في علمى الأدوية والعلاج للسيد أحمد افندى الرشيدى American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine Annual Reports Annual Reports of the Lebanon Hospital for the Insane at Asfouriyeh Avicenna's Book of Canon, 1593 - كتاب القانون في الطب لابن سينا Baillière's Popular Atlas of the ِAnatomy and Physiology of the Female Human Body, 1921 (in English) By Hubert E.J. Biss, M.A., M.D. Cantab., D.P.H. The Doctor, A Journal of Science and Medicine (Al-Tabib) - الطبيب مجلة طبية علمية صناعية George E. Post: The Arabic Post Flora - Volume I - نبات سوريا و فلسطين و القطر المصري و بواديها تأليف د. جورج بوست George E. Post: The Flora Of Syria, Palestine And Sinai, 2nd ed.,1932 Hassanein Al-Ziftawi, The Cannon of Health - حسنين الزفتاوي كتاب قانون الصحة Histology Instructional Posters, 1930's and 1940's Instructional Posters, 1930's and 1940's Dr. John Wortabet, Fundamentals of Autopsy, 1871 - كتاب التوضيح في اصول التشريح د. يوحنا ورتبات Mohammed Bin Omar Al-Tunisi, A Book on Plants - كتاب النبات محمد بن عمر التونسي بن سليمان Old AUB Diplomas: Dentistry and Pharmacy Old AUB Photos taken from Annual Reports: Syrian Protestant College, 1866-67 to 1901-02 Old Thesis: Hand-written Pharmacy Theses, 1897-1919 MD Theses, 1928-1931 Philips' Popular Manikin, 1900: The Principles of Natural Philosophy The Science of the Medical Materials and their Use in Medicine Al-Shifa, Journal of Medicine, Cairo 1886 - 1890 - الشفاء صحيفة طبية جراحية Tamir Nassar - articles and albums from expeditions in the 1930s Van Dyck's Principles of Pathology, 1878 - أصول الباثولوجية الداخلية الخاصة
    Holdings: The collections consist of 450,000 print book titles, 1,000,000 electronic books, 5,000 print periodical titles (2,000 in Arabic), and hundreds of local and regional journals and newspapers going back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The libraries also provide access to 130,000 electronic periodicals and subscribe to 350 databases. The Archives and Special Collections contain 934 linear feet of archival material, 1,800 manuscripts (most of which are in Arabic), 10,000 rare books, 10,000 theses, projects, and dissertations going back to the early 20th century, 5,000 posters, 800 postcards, and 1,700 maps, as well as 72,000 photographs (including over 20,000 negatives) of unique and historical nature. Many of the books and manuscripts in the Archives and Special Collections cover Arab and Islamic science and medicine and the achievements of Arab and Muslim physicians and scientists during the medieval ages.
    Contact Name, Title: Lokman I. Meho, University Librarian and Associate Professor
    Contact Telephone Number: (961) 1 759680
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Alternative Medicine, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Botany [show all 23]