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  1. Organization Type: Museum
    Address: Jozef Guislainstraat 43
    City: Gent
    Zip / Postal Code: B-9000
    Country: Belgium
    Telephone Number: (0)9 216 35 95
    Fax Number: Fax: +32 (0)9 216 35 35
    Abstract: There are three parts to the collection of the Museum Dr. Guislain. The first part deals with the medical history of psychiatry. The collection illustrates how primitive cultures would attribute madness to the influence of evil spirits and how, in the Middle Ages, people would be exorcised or burnt as witches, and how psychiatry grew into a veritable science in the course of the 19th centuries. The second part consists in a collection of photographs: photographs dating back as far as 1860 and picturing life in a psychiatric institution. They illustrate the history of psychiatry and the radical changes that have taken place. But they also, and more practically, illustrate the way in which people would picture mental patients and people with handicaps in the past and how they picture them today. They should get people to the point where they stop thinking in stereotypes about psychiatric patients. The third part is the outsider art collection. It has developed from a rather modest collection of works produced by people with psychic problems in to an extensive collection of outsider art. This broader term covers the work of people who are active as artists in a very personal and individual way.
    Holdings: The museum holds a library, over 15,000 titles, specialized in psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalyse, and outsider art; Photographs 19th & 20th century. Outsider art: 20th & 21 century.
    Contact Name, Title: Annemie Cailliau, Coordinator
    Contact Telephone Number: +32 (0)9 216 35 95
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Hospitals, History of Medicine, History of Neurology [show all 7]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 200 Scaife Hall, 3550 Terrace Street University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
    City: Pittsburgh
    State Or Province: Pennsylvania
    Zip / Postal Code: 15261
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 412-648-4162
    Fax Number: (412) 648-1929
    Abstract: Historical research into all aspects of medicine and health sciences is supported by the primary materials housed in the rare books and special collections and by the secondary materials from the circulating history of medicine collection. They cover the history of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, psychiatry and the allied health sciences.
    Holdings: The historical collections are comprised of over 20,000 volumes of monographs and journals from 1496 to the present, both primary and secondary sources, covering the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, and the allied health sciences. The Rodnan Collection on the history of rheumatology is the second largest such collection in the world. The Ravitch history of surgery collection has over 500 titles on the history of hernia repair, from the end of the 16th century until the early 1960s. There are also major collections in the areas of the history of psychiatry, neurology, and public health.
    Contact Name, Title: Małgorzata Fort, PhD, Digital Resources Development, Head
    Contact Telephone Number: (412) 648-4162
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Dentistry, History of Medicine [show all 12]
  3. Organization Type: Library
    Address: Abbott Hall
    City: Buffalo
    State Or Province: New York
    Zip / Postal Code: 14214
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 716-829-5737
    Fax Number: (716) 829-2211
    Abstract: Established in 1972, the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection contains more than 13,000 volumes of 19th century monographs with particular strength in the areas of obstetrics/gynecology, surgery, dentistry, psychiatry, pharmacology, and oncology. Additional holdings include a collection of more than 500 pre 19th century titles. The Collection also houses several special collections including the Edgar McGuire Historical Medical Instrument Collection that features medical and health sciences instruments and artifacts such as Auzoux anatomical models, microscopes, and a Staffordshire leech jar; a full run of the Buffalo Medical Journal (1846-1919), the Bonnie and Vern Bullough History of Nursing Collection; the Dr. Homer T. Jackson Collection featuring the notebooks and instruments of Dr. Jackson, a late 19th c. upstate New York country doctor; Historical Artifacts from the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; as well as a collection of early 20th c. Medical Newspaper Clippings. Publications: Pre-Nineteenth Century Catalogue of the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection.
    Holdings: Pre 19th century: 500+ titles; 19th century: 13,000+ titles.
    Contact Name, Title: Linda Lohr
    Contact Telephone Number: (716) 829-5737
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Medicine, History of Neurology [show all 8]
  4. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 1750 West Polk (MC 763)
    City: Chicago
    State Or Province: Illinois
    Zip / Postal Code: 60612-7223
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 312-996-8977
    Abstract: Special Collections and University Archives in the Library of the Health Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago houses rare books and archives, including pre-fire Chicago imprints (prior to 1871) related to the history of the health sciences. The department also houses the records of the University Archives related to the health science colleges. Many of the historical materials focus on the development of the health sciences in Chicago and the Midwest. The Special Collections and University Archives is open to the public and provides reference, photocopying, and photographic reproduction services.
    Holdings: The strengths of Special Collections and University Archives are neurology, urology, dermatology, and the history of medicine, including collections of early anatomies, herbals, pharmacopeias, and formularies. There are over 23,000 volumes of pre-1930 monographs and pre-1900 journals and over 5,000 linear feet of archival collections, in addition to photographs, slides, and artifacts. We hold records from the pre-UIC health colleges, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago and the Chicago College of Pharmacy. Other archival collections include the Cook County School of Nursing records, the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association records, the Horizon Hospice records, and the Abraham Low/Recovery International collections.
    Contact Name, Title: Pamela Hackbart-Dean, Department Head
    Contact Telephone Number: (312) 996-2742
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Botany, History of Dentistry [show all 19]
  5. Organization Type: Archive
    Address: 5801 Smith Ave, Suite 235
    City: Baltimore
    State Or Province: Maryland
    Zip / Postal Code: 21209
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 410-735-6800
    Fax Number: 410-735-6770
    Abstract: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives is the official archival repository of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Archival holdings include institutional records, personal paper collections of individuals associated with the institutions, photographs, fine arts and medical and scientific artifacts which date from the late nineteenth century to the present. Holdings are available for use whenever legal, regulatory, and ethical conditions permit. The Archives staff provides a range of free and fee based services for on site and remote users. Our reading room is open Monday through Friday by appointment only.
    Holdings: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives contains over 24,000 cubic feet of holdings, which includes over 50 institutional record collections, personal paper collections of nearly 500 individuals, biographical files on over 18,000 individuals, over 400,000 still images, over 1300 cans of film, and over 10,000 art and artifact objects.
    Contact Name, Title: Nancy McCall, Director
    Contact Telephone Number: 410-735-6800
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology [show all 38]
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