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  1. Organization Type: Museum
    Address: 200 Hawkins Drive
    City: Iowa City
    State Or Province: Iowa
    Zip / Postal Code: 52242
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 319-356-7106
    Fax Number: (319) 384-8141
    Abstract: The collections of the UIHC Medical Museum consist of objects and other items related to the history of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, the state of Iowa, and the Midwest region of the United States, which are suitable for display, research, educational use, and loan. The collections also reflect our focus on current health care issues. SERVICES: Responses to requests for information on medical topics are limited due to small staff. The primary use of the collections is display in onsite galleries, but scholars and students also use them for educational programs and onsite research.
    Holdings: Collections fall into three categories: the Permanent Collection, the Educational Collection, and the Archives. The Permanent Collection consists of objects and other items, such as photographs, documents, and books. The three-dimensional artifact collections are more than 5,000 items strong and include the following major categories: Ophthalmology (optical lenses, color-blindness test kits, stereoscopes, spectacles, ophthalmoscopes, surgical instruments, etc.); Dentistry (examination chairs, impression trays, dental forceps, etc.); Phlebotomy (fleams, cupping devices, counter-irritation devices, etc.); Surgical Instruments (some 250 items, including WWII surgical field kits, forceps, saws, ligature needles, retractors, etc.); UIHC History (1898 time capsule from first hospital building, yearbooks, portraits, programs, diplomas, journals, etc.); Diagnostic Equipment (approximately 150 items such as stethoscopes, early sphygmomanometers, microscopes, X-ray equipment, blood-glucose testing devices, reflex hammers, etc.); Obstetrics/Gynecology (fetal stethoscopes, forceps, cranial crushers, ether inhaler, etc.); Cardiology (early portable EKG, heart valves, mold for prosthetic blood vessels, etc.); Otolaryngology (monochord, otoscopes, bronchoscopes, hearing aids, etc.); Miscellaneous (1930s examining chair used in the film "Field of Dreams", caned-seat wheelchair, syringe and hypodermic sets, examination tables, WWII first aid kit, appointment cards). Other categories include Anesthesiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, General Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nursing, Orthopedics, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Radiology, Therapeutic Devices, and Urology. The photographic collection includes several hundred photographs and negatives, images of current medical procedures and equipment. The manuscripts and documents collection from the mid-1800s to the present includes approximately 400 medical and nursing texts, medical record books, physicians, journals, photo albums, and over 100 books and documents. The Education Collection is a small collection of items used for educational programs and demonstrations. The Archives consists of documentation relevant to the institutional history of the UIHC Medical Museum.
    Contact Name, Title: Adrienne Drapkin, Museum Director
    Contact Telephone Number: (319) 356-7106
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics [show all 15]
  2. Organization Type: Library
    Address: Abbott Hall
    City: Buffalo
    State Or Province: New York
    Zip / Postal Code: 14214
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 716-829-5737
    Fax Number: (716) 829-2211
    Abstract: Established in 1972, the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection contains more than 13,000 volumes of 19th century monographs with particular strength in the areas of obstetrics/gynecology, surgery, dentistry, psychiatry, pharmacology, and oncology. Additional holdings include a collection of more than 500 pre 19th century titles. The Collection also houses several special collections including the Edgar McGuire Historical Medical Instrument Collection that features medical and health sciences instruments and artifacts such as Auzoux anatomical models, microscopes, and a Staffordshire leech jar; a full run of the Buffalo Medical Journal (1846-1919), the Bonnie and Vern Bullough History of Nursing Collection; the Dr. Homer T. Jackson Collection featuring the notebooks and instruments of Dr. Jackson, a late 19th c. upstate New York country doctor; Historical Artifacts from the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; as well as a collection of early 20th c. Medical Newspaper Clippings. Publications: Pre-Nineteenth Century Catalogue of the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection.
    Holdings: Pre 19th century: 500+ titles; 19th century: 13,000+ titles.
    Contact Name, Title: Linda Lohr
    Contact Telephone Number: (716) 829-5737
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Medicine, History of Neurology [show all 8]
  3. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 975 W. Walnut Street, IB 307
    City: Indianapolis
    State Or Province: Indiana
    Zip / Postal Code: 46202-5121
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: (317) 274-7194
    Abstract: The Ruth Lilly Medical Library’s History of Medicine Collection is committed to supporting the research, learning, and educational success of Indiana University students, faculty, and community members by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and providing access to unique materials documenting the history of medicine; medical education, training, research, and practice; and health and disease treatment and prevention in the state of Indiana and beyond within the global context of the Western medical tradition.
    Holdings: The History of Medicine Collection includes, but is not limited to, the records and papers of Indiana University School of Medicine faculty and alumni, researchers, professional organizations, advocates, and practitioners in the medical and health care professions; a significant number of medical instruments and other artifacts; and rare and early print books, periodicals, and other publications.
    Contact Name, Title: Brandon T. Pieczko, Digital and Special Collections Librarian
    Contact Telephone Number: (317) 274-7194
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Medical Ethics [show all 12]
  4. Organization Type: Library
    Address: 50 College Street
    City: South Hadley
    State Or Province: Massachusetts
    Zip / Postal Code: 01075-6425
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 413-538-3079
    Fax Number: (413) 538-3029
    Abstract: Archives and Special Collections records, rare books and manuscripts reflecting the history and mission of Mount Holyoke College including its founding, operation, and curriculum. Mount Holyoke was founded in 1837 and is the first continuous institution of higher education for women. A pioneering school that emphasized the sciences for women since inception, the College's records document the emergence of science and medical studies for women as well as the history of women in higher education, women in science, early missionary history, New England and Massachusetts education and religious history. Also heavily documented are Mount Holyoke's alumnae. Most notable are papers documenting the life and work of physician and anesthesiology Virginia Apgar (1880-1975), noted for developing the Apgar score for newborns. Other medical fields represented in alumnae files include nutrition, medicine, biomedical research, medical missionaries, psychiatry, physiology and midwifery. The collection is non-circulating and non-browsable. Researchers interested in the collection should visit the web address <a href="" ></a>. Some materials are digitized and available online. Finding aids to manuscript and archival records are online. Manuscripts and books are cataloged in the library catalog (<a href="" ></a>). Researchers can email reference requests online to
    Holdings: The Archives is comprised of over 9,000 linear feet of archival records and manuscript material. Foremost are official college records, including, but not limited to, the records of administrative offices; academic departments; faculty, administrative and student committees; faculty and student clubs; college and student publications; photographs and slides; memorabilia and other ephemeral. Manuscript materials actively collected by Special Collections include the personal papers and other non-print or ephemeral materials of selected alumnae and faculty, the records and other non-print or ephemeral materials of other institutions and organizations related to the history of, or disciplines taught by, the College. The rare book collection totals 11,000 volumes, the bulk of which were published in the 16th-19th Centuries. The collection's strengths include renaissance science, medieval Italian literature and history, Americana, Fine Press Editions and artist's books.
    Contact Name, Title: Jennifer Gunter King, Head of Archives and Special Collections
    Contact Telephone Number: (413) 538-2441
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Medicine [show all 5]
  5. Organization Type: Library
    Address: Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Box 90185
    City: Durham
    State Or Province: North Carolina
    Zip / Postal Code: 27708
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 919-684-8549
    Fax Number: (919) 660-5934
    Abstract: The History of Medicine Collections began in 1931 with the acquisition of the library of the Georgia Medical Society and reached an important new level with the gift of the Trent Collection in 1956. Today the collections, which cover the history of the health sciences, number 33,000 volumes and consist of monographs, serials, manuscripts, medical instruments, artifacts, prints, photographs, and ephemera. SERVICES: Reference in person, by letter/e-mail or phone; reproduction services available. HOURS: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Yhursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m Friday, 1)00 p.m. - 5L00 p.m. Saturday. Please check website as hours are subject to change during University holidays and breaks. Newsletter, Trent Associates Report, published twice a year. Exhibition catalogue The Physician's Art (1999) available from the Duke University Press. The Four Seasons of Human Life (2002) distributed by Balogh for Erasmus Publishing. Digitally scanned photographs and illustrations from the collections accessible via the Library web page at the address above.
    Holdings: Incunabula: 35 titles; 16th century: 500 titles; 17th century: 1,000 titles; 18th century: 2,000 titles; 19th century: 8,125 titles. Strengths in pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, materia medica, 19th century pamphlets, anesthesia, human sexuality, vivisection, yellow fever, and psychiatry. Noteworthy are the Vesalius editions, Benjamin Rush monographs and manuscripts, Edward Jenner manuscripts, and Osler letters. Outstanding non-book items: apothecary jars; 17th-18th century ivory anatomical manikins from Continent; 16th century ivory skeleton.
    Contact Name, Title: Rachel Ingold, Curator
    Contact Telephone Number: (919) 684-8549
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Botany [show all 9]
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