Organization Type: Museum Address: 200 Hawkins Drive City: Iowa City State Or Province: Iowa Zip / Postal Code: 52242 Country: United States Telephone Number: 319-356-7106 Fax Number: (319) 384-8141 Abstract: The collections of the UIHC Medical Museum consist of objects and other items related to the history of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, the state of Iowa, and the Midwest region of the United States, which are suitable for display, research, educational use, and loan. The collections also reflect our focus on current health care issues. SERVICES: Responses to requests for information on medical topics are limited due to small staff. The primary use of the collections is display in onsite galleries, but scholars and students also use them for educational programs and onsite research. Holdings: Collections fall into three categories: the Permanent Collection, the Educational Collection, and the Archives. The Permanent Collection consists of objects and other items, such as photographs, documents, and books. The three-dimensional artifact collections are more than 5,000 items strong and include the following major categories: Ophthalmology (optical lenses, color-blindness test kits, stereoscopes, spectacles, ophthalmoscopes, surgical instruments, etc.); Dentistry (examination chairs, impression trays, dental forceps, etc.); Phlebotomy (fleams, cupping devices, counter-irritation devices, etc.); Surgical Instruments (some 250 items, including WWII surgical field kits, forceps, saws, ligature needles, retractors, etc.); UIHC History (1898 time capsule from first hospital building, yearbooks, portraits, programs, diplomas, journals, etc.); Diagnostic Equipment (approximately 150 items such as stethoscopes, early sphygmomanometers, microscopes, X-ray equipment, blood-glucose testing devices, reflex hammers, etc.); Obstetrics/Gynecology (fetal stethoscopes, forceps, cranial crushers, ether inhaler, etc.); Cardiology (early portable EKG, heart valves, mold for prosthetic blood vessels, etc.); Otolaryngology (monochord, otoscopes, bronchoscopes, hearing aids, etc.); Miscellaneous (1930s examining chair used in the film "Field of Dreams", caned-seat wheelchair, syringe and hypodermic sets, examination tables, WWII first aid kit, appointment cards). Other categories include Anesthesiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, General Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nursing, Orthopedics, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Radiology, Therapeutic Devices, and Urology. The photographic collection includes several hundred photographs and negatives, images of current medical procedures and equipment. The manuscripts and documents collection from the mid-1800s to the present includes approximately 400 medical and nursing texts, medical record books, physicians, journals, photo albums, and over 100 books and documents. The Education Collection is a small collection of items used for educational programs and demonstrations. The Archives consists of documentation relevant to the institutional history of the UIHC Medical Museum. Contact Name, Title: Adrienne Drapkin, Museum Director Contact Telephone Number: (319) 356-7106 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology, History of Gynecology and Obstetrics[show all 15] Organization Type: Library Address: 1216 Fifth Avenue City: New York State Or Province: New York Zip / Postal Code: 10029 Country: United States Telephone Number: 212-822-7315 Abstract: Initially established as a medical collection for the use of physicians, the Library opened to the public in 1878. As a working professional library, the collection’s primary focus was first in contemporary medicine, but soon extended to rare and historical materials. The Library's current focus has shifted to building on its historical holdings, including current works in the history of medicine. The Library houses much of its rare book collection in the Drs. Barry and Bobbi Coller Rare Book Reading Room, which also contains many secondary sources in the history of medicine, the history of books and printing, medical bibliography, biography and dictionaries. Manuscripts and archives include the Academy's own archives, the archives of a number of professional societies and organizations, case books, medical student notebooks, and culinary and medicinal receipt books. These archives serve as a primary resource for the history of health administration, medical education, public health, and medical practice in New York City. SERVICES: reference, interlibrary loan, photo duplication Holdings: Incunabula: 164 titles; 16th century: 2,100 titles; 17th century: 2,700 titles; 18th century: 7,300 titles; 19th century: 46,000 titles. Classics: 16th century European works, with special emphasis on anatomy and surgery. Works from other time periods: originals, translations, reprints of Aristotle, Galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Ketham, Malpighi, Jenner, etc. Original editions by the great men of science: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Bacon, etc. Manuscripts: over 2,000, notably Apicius, De re culinaria (9th century) and Guy de Chauliac (15th century). Subject areas: plagues and epidemics; astrology and the occult; popular healing with emphases on diet, balneology, cookery and nutrition; medical Americana (late 17th to mid 19th century); European medical dissertations (17th to 19th century); early works on cardiology, including the two first editions of Harvey's De motu cordis... (1628); broadsides (16th 19th century) on such topics as public health and food regulation. The named special collections include, but are not limited to: Michael M. Davis Collection of Social and Economic Aspects of Medicine; Margaret Barclay Wilson Collection on Food and Cookery; Hayes Martin Collection of 17th through 20th century engravings and woodcuts; Beekman Collection of Hunteriana; Rufus Cole Collection of works by and about Francesco Redi and his circle; Harms Collection of pre 1900 psychiatry and psychology. The collections of portraits of physicians and illustrations of medical activities include over 275,000 items. Printed Catalogs: Portrait Catalog (3rd Supplement, 1976), Illustration Catalog (3rd Supplement, 1976), Author Catalog of the Library (1st Supplement, 1974); Subject Catalog of the Library (1st Supplement, 1974); Catalog of Biographies in the Library (1960). Contact Name, Title: Arlene Shaner, MA, MLS., Historical Collections Librarian Contact Telephone Number: (212) 822-7313 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Alternative Medicine, History of Anatomy, History of Botany[show all 13] Organization Type: Archive Address: 5801 Smith Ave, Suite 235 City: Baltimore State Or Province: Maryland Zip / Postal Code: 21209 Country: United States Telephone Number: 410-735-6800 Fax Number: 410-735-6770 Abstract: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives is the official archival repository of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Archival holdings include institutional records, personal paper collections of individuals associated with the institutions, photographs, fine arts and medical and scientific artifacts which date from the late nineteenth century to the present. Holdings are available for use whenever legal, regulatory, and ethical conditions permit. The Archives staff provides a range of free and fee based services for on site and remote users. Our reading room is open Monday through Friday by appointment only. Holdings: The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives contains over 24,000 cubic feet of holdings, which includes over 50 institutional record collections, personal paper collections of nearly 500 individuals, biographical files on over 18,000 individuals, over 400,000 still images, over 1300 cans of film, and over 10,000 art and artifact objects. Contact Name, Title: Nancy McCall, Director Contact Telephone Number: 410-735-6800 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology[show all 38] Organization Type: Museum Address: Ann Baillie Building National Historic Site, 32 George Street City: Kingston State Or Province: Ontario Zip / Postal Code: K7L2V7 Country: Canada Telephone Number: 613-548-2419 Abstract: The Museum of Health Care at Kingston is a safe haven for more than 30,000 artefacts, including medical, surgical, and laboratory instruments, commemorative objects, and patient care items. Individuals and institutions donated the artefacts in the various collections, which date from the late 18th century to the present. The collection can be searched on the Museum's website at <a href="" ></a> or Artefacts Canada. The Museum can provide images for both web publication, and high-resolution images for print publication. Holdings: More than 30,000 artefacts. Contact Name, Title: Paul Robertson (Curator) Or Dr. James Low (Executive Director), Curator, Executive Director Contact Telephone Number: 6135482419 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Anesthesiology and Anesthesia, History of Cardiology[show all 21] Organization Type: Library Address: 72 E. Concord Street. L-12 City: Boston State Or Province: Massachusetts Zip / Postal Code: 02118 Country: United States Telephone Number: 617-358-4902 Fax Number: (617) 358-2351 Abstract: The archives provide information on the Boston University Medical Center and its component institutions: Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Public Health, the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences, the hospital and its affiliates. Physical access to this collection is for onsite use only. Online access to a collection of BU Medical Campus publications is available via the OpenBU digital repository. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy and photo-reproduction. Researchers should arrange appointments to ensure availability of materials and workspace. The history of medicine collection is a circulating one. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy, photo-reproduction and library loan. Holdings: The archives collection contains 1 17th century title, 90 18th century titles and 375 19th century titles. The archive journals from 1848 to the present provide school catalogs, annual reports, in-house publications and yearbooks. The hospital records, primarily administrative and financial in nature and kept in file cabinets, cover 1855-1964. These encompass the Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, the Mass. Memorial Hospitals and University Hospital—all predecessors of the Boston Medical Center. The file cabinet collections of the Medical, Dental, Public Health Schools, along with the Graduate Medical Sciences Division, provide administrative and budgetary information about the schools but also their particular education programs and research projects. The images collection of over 1000 items cover individual students, faculty, staff and alumni of the medical center and its components; class pictures from the different schools; buildings (interiors and exteriors) and environs of the past, present and future. The Medical instruments collection has 300 pieces used in surgery and general practice. The Doris Appel History of Medicine Collection of over 2200 titles, named in 1980 in honor of the well known medical historian and sculptor, has a wide variety of offerings: general sweep of history from antiquity to modern times; medicine in various countries and time periods; discoveries, trends and developments; rise of specialties; organizational histories; and biographies of famous physicians and those who are well known in their communities. Contact Name, Title: A’Llyn Ettien, Collections Management Librarian Contact Telephone Number: (617)-358-4488 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Cardiology, History of Dermatology[show all 28]
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