Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum Address: 19 South 22nd Street City: Philadelphia State Or Province: Pennsylvania Zip / Postal Code: 19103-3097 Country: United States Telephone Number: 215-563-3737 Fax Number: (215) 569-0356 Abstract: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is the largest independent research library devoted to medical history in the United States. In addition to the holdings accumulated while the College Library served as the central medical library of Philadelphia (19th and 20th century monographs and journals), the library also has extensive holdings of rare books, manuscripts, and prints and photographs, as well as the archives of the College and those of other medical organizations, local and national, extant and extinct. SERVICES: Access to the various collections; historical and bibliographic references; extended historical research (there is an hourly charge for this service); no microfilming services; photocopying at the discretion of the Library staff. Finding aids to manuscript and archive collections: <a href="" ></a>. Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HDML) are accessible from the home page. Holdings: The Library contains over 250,000 books and journals published before 1966. More than 400 are incunabula, and more than 12,000 are pre 1801 imprints. Strong holdings in anatomy, surgery, dermatology, neurology, embryology, pathology, and ophthalmology. Particularly rich collections in homeopathy, tuberculosis, and yellow fever. Manuscripts number over one million items and include medieval illuminated manuscripts, hundreds of 18th- and 19th century student lecture notes, and the papers of leaders in American medicine, including Robley Dunglison, George Bacon Wood, S. Weir Mitchell, Joseph Leidy, William Williams Keen, and Edward Bell Krumbhaar and Francis Clark Wood. Archives of a number of medical societies and institutions can be found in the Library. The Library also houses the archives of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the archives of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia (founded in 1787). Finding aids at the Web address above. Prints and Photographs: A portrait/picture catalogue containing over 100,000 cards represents reproductions in books and journals, as well as original prints and photographs. Includes the Samuel B. Sturgis collection and the Faber Family collection of medical illustrations. Special Collections: the William H. Helfand-Samuel X Radbill Medical Bookplate Collection (10,000+ bookplates), Samuel D. Gross Library of Surgery, Joseph T. Freeman Gerontology Collection, Samuel Lewis Curio Collection, William Kent Gilbert Autograph Collection, Medical Trade Ephemera Collection (over 7,000 items), and Joseph Carson Collection. Online Systems: Books are entered in OCLC; archives and manuscripts in RLIN. The Library's online catalog can be accessed at above Web address. The Sturgis Collection of Medical Images database and the Historical Medical Digital Library (HMDL) are accessible from the home page. Guides to the Collection: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (1983); Lisabeth M. Holloway, "The Historical Collections of the Library..." in Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 4th ser. 41 (1974): 151-162; Thomas A. Horrocks, "As Far as the Eye Can See: Ophthalmology in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 11 (1989): 37-49; Horrocks and Jack Eckert, "Manuscript Resources in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry in the Historical Collections of the Library...", T & S, 5th ser. 12 (1990): 93-101. Contact Name, Title: Annie Brogan, College Librarian Contact Telephone Number: (215) 399-2304 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Dermatology, History of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases[show all 11] Organization Type: Library Address: 72 E. Concord Street. L-12 City: Boston State Or Province: Massachusetts Zip / Postal Code: 02118 Country: United States Telephone Number: 617-358-4902 Fax Number: (617) 358-2351 Abstract: The archives provide information on the Boston University Medical Center and its component institutions: Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Public Health, the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences, the hospital and its affiliates. Physical access to this collection is for onsite use only. Online access to a collection of BU Medical Campus publications is available via the OpenBU digital repository. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy and photo-reproduction. Researchers should arrange appointments to ensure availability of materials and workspace. The history of medicine collection is a circulating one. SERVICES: Reference, photocopy, photo-reproduction and library loan. Holdings: The archives collection contains 1 17th century title, 90 18th century titles and 375 19th century titles. The archive journals from 1848 to the present provide school catalogs, annual reports, in-house publications and yearbooks. The hospital records, primarily administrative and financial in nature and kept in file cabinets, cover 1855-1964. These encompass the Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, the Mass. Memorial Hospitals and University Hospital—all predecessors of the Boston Medical Center. The file cabinet collections of the Medical, Dental, Public Health Schools, along with the Graduate Medical Sciences Division, provide administrative and budgetary information about the schools but also their particular education programs and research projects. The images collection of over 1000 items cover individual students, faculty, staff and alumni of the medical center and its components; class pictures from the different schools; buildings (interiors and exteriors) and environs of the past, present and future. The Medical instruments collection has 300 pieces used in surgery and general practice. The Doris Appel History of Medicine Collection of over 2200 titles, named in 1980 in honor of the well known medical historian and sculptor, has a wide variety of offerings: general sweep of history from antiquity to modern times; medicine in various countries and time periods; discoveries, trends and developments; rise of specialties; organizational histories; and biographies of famous physicians and those who are well known in their communities. Contact Name, Title: A’Llyn Ettien, Collections Management Librarian Contact Telephone Number: (617)-358-4488 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Cardiology, History of Dermatology[show all 28] Organization Type: Library Address: 55 Lake Avenue North City: Worcester State Or Province: Massachusetts Zip / Postal Code: 01655 Country: United States Telephone Number: 508-856-7633 Fax Number: 508-856-5039 Abstract: The Office of Medical History and Archives oversees the Archives of the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), collecting and preserving materials that document the history of UMMS. It also supports historical research, teaching, and other activities that highlight the history of UMMS and the history of American medicine and health care, with special emphasis on the 20th century. The Archives contains the personal and institutional records of the administration, faculty, students, and other staff of UMMS, including oral history interviews, publications, photographs, etc. Our special collections comprise of approximately 3000 volumes published between the 16th through the early 20th centuries. One-third of these volumes are on permanent loan from the Worcester Medical Library; most of the remaining volumes were purchased for the Library from the Pittsburg Academy of Medicine in 1969, while some are donations. Our 40 archival collections include the records and papers of the Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research (formerly the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology), the site of the development of the birth control pill by Gregory Pincus and M. C. Chang. We also collect secondary source materials (books, CDs, and DVDs) in the subject areas of History of Medicine, and Women in Medicine. We provide standard archival reference services: photocopying and scanning. Rare books may not be borrowed, but our collections in the History of Medicine, Women in Medicine, and Humanities in Medicine are all available for borrowing. We require at least 24 hours notice for access to Archival and Rare Book collections. Please contact Ellen More or Kristine Reinhard with requests for services. For more detailed information, kindly visit our website at <a href="" > </a>. Holdings: In addition to 779 volumes in combined History of Medicine/Women in Medicine book collection, and 632 volumes in the Humanities in Medicine collection, the UMMS Archives consists of 40 collections (160 linear feet), with strengths in the history of modern medical education, and the history of endocrine and human reproductive research. Five particularly rich collections include: 1. The H. Brownell Wheeler, M.D. papers, including materials relating to the founding and history of UMass Medical School and the Department of Surgery, the history of palliative care in Massachusetts and at UMMS, and the history of the Center for Mindfulness; 2. The Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research papers, including many photographs of Gregory Pincus, M. C. Chang, Hudson and Mahlon Hoagland, and other researchers; 3. A collection of 45 Oral Histories pertaining to the history of UMMS; 4. Daybooks and prescribing manuals for Dr. Milman Pease, early-to-mid-20th century general practitioner from Brookfield in central Massachusetts; 5. Manuscript letters and essays from Dr. Royal Watkins, Worcester, Massachusetts surgeon from the 1890s through the 1930s. Contact Name, Title: Ellen S. More, Ph.D, Head, Office of Medical History and Archives Contact Telephone Number: 508-856-7633 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Dermatology, History of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases[show all 23] Organization Type: Library Address: Sigmund Samuel Library Building University of Toronto 9 King's College Circle Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A5 City: Toronto State Or Province: Ontario Zip / Postal Code: M5S 1A5 Country: Canada Telephone Number: 416-978-2280 Fax Number: 416-971-2848 Abstract: The Gerstein Science Information Centre is the largest science and health sciences academic library in Canada. It has a print collection of 1,036,694 volumes of journals and books. The library also provides access to over 100,000 online journals and books. We provide circulation, reference, inter-library loan, document delivery and information literacy instruction to University of Toronto affiliated individuals. The building facilities are open to visiting scholars. Use of the library's resources by the wider community is facilitated by open access, inter-library lending, and user-pay services. The library has a complete set of Index Medicus (in its various title changes) and many major reference titles such as the Catalogue of the Royal Society of London. We have a copy of A.C.P. Calllisen’s Medicinisches Scriftsteller-Lexikon (in a 1964 reprint) which is not widely held. The library currently maintains subscriptions to the databases Science in the 19th century periodicals and to History of Science, Technology and Medicine and to Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. We also house some notable medical historical microform sets (such as the American Medical Periodicals 1797-1900; Canadian Medical Journals 1826-1900; and the Landmarks of Science) which are held in the affiliated Robarts Library Building where all microform is located. Holdings: The Gerstein Science Information Centre has a print collection of 1,036,694 volumes consisting of 505,815 monographs and 530,879 serial volumes in paper. The library also provides access to over 100,000 online journals and books. Our holdings include an extensive collection of materials donated to this library through an international campaign in the years immediately after a fire in 1890 destroyed the entire collection which had been built up in the previous 50-70 years. Many rare items from our collection have been moved to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library; however much material remains here. We still have a substantial collection of monographs in our unique ‘old class’ scheme which is based on the classification scheme used at one time at the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris; the ‘old class’ scheme was abandoned in 1950 but much material was not reclassified and remains in the old class. We also have an extensive collection of “pamphlets” which do not have subject analysis of any kind but only keyword access for title or author or sometimes imprint in our catalogue; there is no subject analysis for these pamphlets but they are organized in broad categories such as pathology or surgery; the pamphlets range from dissertations to full monographs to 10 page pamphlets; we have about 85 standard library pamphlet boxes of these. Our serials are generally complete from the first volume; we have some serial titles going back to the 18th century. The materials relating to the history of medicine are not separately housed but are integrated in our main collection. Some materials must be requested from our offsite storage facility; this status is indicated in the catalogue by the location “Downsview” and retrieval from there takes approximately 2-3 days. We do not have a dedicated history of medicine librarian. Contact Name, Title: Sandra Langlands, Director, Gerstein Science Information Centre & Director (acting), Science Libraries Contact Telephone Number: 416-978-6370 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Botany, History of Cookery and Nutrition[show all 19] Organization Type: Archive, Library, Museum Address: Karolinska Institutet SE-171 77 Sweden City: Stockholm Zip / Postal Code: SE-171 77 Country: Sweden Telephone Number: 8 5248 6828 Abstract: The Hagströmer Library is a research library as well as a museum of book history and scientific print culture. Dedicated to old and rare books in the history of medicine and allied sciences, the library was founded in 1997. The holdings comprise the historic collections of the Swedish Society of Medicine (founded in 1807), and Karolinska Institutet (founded in 1910), including medical books from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (donated in 1848). The Library also holds manuscripts and books from the Swedish Collegium Medicum (1663-1830), and deposited collections from the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, Stockholm’s Institute of Metallography, and the Swedish Odontological Society. For further information, please contact Gertie Johansson, Librarian at: Holdings: Some 40,000 volumes, including 12 incunabulas, and 16th - 20th century books, tracts, and pamphlets. An art collection with original paintings, prints, and photographs, including portraits of physicians and scientists. Contact Name, Title: Eva Åhrén, Director Contact Telephone Number: + 46 8 5248 6245 Contact Email Address: Web Site: Collection Subject Strengths: History of Anatomy, History of Botany, History of Cookery and Nutrition[show all 37]
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