- ... its readers with the nature and varieties of mental illness and with methods of prevention and care for ... in New York State. Brigham had published on mental illness prior to AJI. His book, Remarks on the ...
- ... and in public health research and treatment of mental illness. He was one of the first to advocate ... and in public health research and treatment of mental illness. He was born in Galesville, Md., Feb. 20, ...
- ... his death. Gray was a strong believer that mental illness was due to physical causes that could be ... as opposed to the long-standing belief that mental illness was due to 'moral' causes. In 1870, Gray ...
- ... became executive director of the National Committee Against Mental Illness, a Washington publicity and lobbying group supported by ... Pressure in 1973. Like the National Committee Against Mental Illness, this group focused on lobbying Congress and educating ...
- ... sometimes ended up in almshouses or jails. Because mental illness was generally thought to be caused by a ... grew and certain areas became more densely settled, mental illness became one of a number of social issues ...
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