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- Heart Failure Signs and Symptoms (American Heart Association)... at rest 1 of 7 Go Back Proceed Cough Please select the option that best describes your current experience. No cough Dry, hacking cough Frequent dry, hacking or moist ...
- RSV: When It's More Than Just a Cold (American Academy of Pediatrics)... include: Fever (temperature of 100.4 or higher) Cough (dry or wet sounding) Congestion R unny nose ... with low-grade fevers. Always avoid aspirin and cough and cold medications . Keep in mind, children and ...
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Nemours Foundation)... stuffy or runny nose sore throat mild headache cough fever not eating or drinking well a general ... cold or has a high fever has a cough or other symptoms that get worse is wheezing ...
- ... look at the vocal cords prior to a cough. In order for a cough to occur, several events need to take place ...
- What Is Asthma? (Nemours Foundation)... breathing problems that come and go. They may cough, wheeze, or be short of breath. This happens ... Signs & Symptoms of Asthma? Asthma symptoms include: a cough, especially at night or while active trouble breathing ...
- Opioid Epidemic: How to Protect Your Family (American Academy of Pediatrics)... Common street names for the pill version and cough syrup forms are Robo or Tuss, Vikes, Veeks, ... and Lorries . Codeine, like hydrocodone —Sometimes found in cough syrup form, so it may be called syrup ...
- Vaccines Protect Children from Harmful Infectious Diseases (Food and Drug Administration)... or death – from diseases such as measles, whooping cough, or meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae type b ( ... by or even die of measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and other infectious diseases that can be prevented ...
- CAT Scan (CT) - Chest (American College of Radiology) (Radiological Society of North America)... and to help diagnose the cause of unexplained cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other ... signs or symptoms of chest disease, such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, or fever. detect ...
- Prescription Opioids during Pregnancy (March of Dimes Foundation)... work. They’re sometimes used to treat a cough or diarrhea. A prescription medicine is one your ... an opioid, tell your provider. For example, some cough medicines contain the opioid codeine. The illegal drug ...
- COPD: Breathing Exercises and Techniques (National Jewish Health)... Management Living with Chronic Lung Disease How to Cough Up Mucus & Phlegm from Chest Congestion COPD: Exercises ... Strenuous Positions for Sexual Intercourse Sleep How to Cough Up Mucus & Phlegm from Chest Congestion COPD: Exercises ...